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Hopefully the last day with bad weather

lørdag 21. maj 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today was a very windy day, because of that I couldn't open the nets. After I could not open I took my time to have some nice breakfast. When I was done eating and cleaning I went to do a bit of a seawatch. After two hours, and two great northern divers and a black throated diver I was done doing the seawatch and went to the fence for the little terns. One was already breading! Good to see that the fence works. The rest of the little terns were a bit flying around, hopefully they start breeding soon as well.

When I came back to the station, some swallows were flying low over the vegetation. Since the wind dropped, I decided to open some nets in the hope to catch them. Unfortunately, after I opened they decided to fly somewhere else. Besides two chiffchaffs and one icterine warbler nothing flew in. When the windspeed increased after lunch I closed again. Luckily I could use my afternoon off to work a bit on my internship.

Tomorrow it seems that the weather will finally improve, lets hope that it will result in some birds in the nets.

Ringing totals:

Chiffchaff (2/0)

Icterine warbler (1/0)

Another wet day

fredag 20. maj 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today it was another day with bad weather. In the night, over the whole migration axis there has been rain. This resulted in almost no arrival of migrants to Blavand. That is also the reason why today was a rather slow day. It was funny that we caught a complete nest of greenfinches, although that is what I presume. Next to that, we also caught a juvenile linnet. We also caught another wood pigeon! I could feel that it gets easier to ring them, although this one was way more calm then the other one. This time Mikkel released it. After releasing it, it went preening in a nearby tree. A good sign that the ringing has almost no impact on the birds, when done correctly. We got also a nice recapture back, today we caught a common whitethroat back that was ringed in spring 2020. That are three returns to tropical Africa!




Mikkel with his new love – Photo by Menno

The rest of the weekend, the weather does not look very good. So Mikkel can go with an eased mind to a wedding.

Ringing totals:

Dunnock 0/1

Song thrush 0/1

Lesser whitethroat 1/0

Common whitethroat 2/1

Willow warbler 2/0

Spotted flycatcher 3/0

Starling 1/0

Greenfinch 4/0

Linnet 1/0

Redpoll 4/1

Wood pigeon 1/0

Fog followed by rain

torsdag 19. maj 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today was maybe the worst day of the season. The nets could be opened at the start of the day, but did only six! new birds flew in…. Fog in the morning and rain in the afternoon are not the best combination for a good day. Because of the fog, the morning observations did not take place.

The only nice thing about today is that we caught our first juvenile bird. It is really funny to see this juvenile song thrush. It was also nice to see how it was still growing its primaries and tail. In song thrush this happens outside the nest, so they are less vulnerable for predators.


Picture of the juvenile song thrush – Picture by Menno

Ringing totals:

Song thrush     (1/0)

Icterine warbler (1/1)

Lesser whitethroat (1/1)

Common whitethroat              (1/0)

Blackcap           (0/1)

Chiffchaff         (1/1)

Great tit            (0/2)

Greenfinch       (0/2)

Redpoll             (0/2)

Bullfinch           (0/1)

A great surprise

onsdag 18. maj 2022
af Mikkel Bello

Today we had a nice visitor. The sea was okay a few terns migrating, and at some point Menno wrote me if i saw the buzzard over sea, i quickly find it and hmm it looks maybe like a honey buzzard? it is struggling but reaches land and disappear behind some dunes but yes it was a honey buzzard, i take my phone to write back to menno when it suddenly pop up from behind the dune where i am sitting and is max 3 meters from me, a beautiful male i was so surprised that i didn't get good pictures but here is a butt shot.
Hvepsevåge. Photo by Mikkel Bello

The rest of the day was rather chill, not much happening.

People at the station: Bello, Menno

Many visitors today

tirsdag 17. maj 2022
And two seasons first: Marsh and Reed warbler
af Menno den Uijl

Today I expected to call Bent after the first round, because of high numbers of birds in the nets. Unfortunately, the nets were rather empty, probably because of a big front of showers south of us. Because of this, passerines are less likely to migrate. And that could be seen in the nets. Today Bent had a visiting elderly high school who came here to see something of the activities that are caried out here. After a few birds, they went to the fens for the little terns. The tour concluded at Skallingen, were Bent told something about the amazing nature there.

After the lunch, the rain disappeared so the birds came in. The highlights for me were two icterine warblers and spotted flycatcher (finally!).

After a very slow day Bello decided to get a more sleep in to be more rested the coming days.

We also hit some a new milestone, this season more than 200 chiffchaffs were ringed.

Today we had another two arrivals, in the form of a marsh warbler and reed warbler. We hope to get them in the nets in the coming days!


If so many people are standing around one bird in hand you would expect a mega, here it is just a dunnock (but probably a first for many as well) – Photo by Menno

Ringing totals: 

Dunnock (1/0)

Redstart (4/0)

Blackbird (0/1)

Song thrush (1/0)

Icterine warbler (2/0)

Lesser whitethroat (4/0)

Common whitethroat (3/1)

Garden warbler (2/0)

Chiffchaff (5/1)

Willow warbler (9/0)

Spotted flycatcher (1/0)

Pied flycatcher (1/0)

Starling (0/1)

Chaffinch (0/2)

Lesser redpoll (1/0)

Bullfinch (2/0)

Doflink: https://dofbasen.dk/search/result.php?design=table&soeg=soeg&periode=antaldage&dage=10&omraade=hiddenlok&hiddenlok=555209&obstype=observationer&sortering=dato=17-05-2022&searchmyobs=Vis+dato

People at the station: Mikkel, Menno, Bent and the visiting group


mandag 16. maj 2022
af Mikkel Bello

Det var egentlig i dag vi havde ventet at hittet skulle komme, med østenvind og varme, den kom dog igår. Jeg startede med at tælle 5:15 men til min skuffelse var der ikke en eneste trækfugl på nær 3 landsvaler på 1,5 time!! Derfor talte jeg alle de måger der var på stranden og jeg fandt en kaspisk måge. Menno ringede og ville have hjælp med en sanger som viste sig at være en løvsanger. Men efter gik jeg til mosen langs klitterne og talte i stedet, hvilket også var noget mere interessant da der var en del småfugle. 
Der var bla. mange Tornsangere, Stenpikkere og en del rødstjerter. Mursejlerne trak også pænt idag sammen med en del Gule Vipstjerter. 

Men ingen Makisanger... Der har kun været få twichere og så har jeg og Bent gået i mosen nogle gange men uden held. Den må være fløjet i nat. Bent fandt en Fiskeørn.

Vi har været trætte! I hvert fald jeg, da igår var noget intens, da birder danmark skulle overbevisis om at vi havde noget stort fik jeg løbet en del frem og tilbage for at få postet den nødvendige dokumentation, og så var jeg ude indtil aften. Så i dag var kroppen hel færdig, og efter to grundige runder i mosen var jeg slået helt ud. Menno virker også til at være træt så det er måske godt vi ikke skal holde ud så længe endnu, men det er nu det er spændende! 

En lille historie skal tilføjes. Da jeg sad og spiste frokost gik jeg hurtigt med Menno på netrundte, da jeg kom tilbage havde en Sølvmåge taget mit brød og havde smidt pesto over det hele. Så nu vil vi prøve at fange den på et tidspunkt og tage en snak med den. 
Rørspurv, 2k han. Foto af Menno
Menno havde en trættende men god dag med mange fugle, for en gangs skyld! Se listen nederst.

ringmærkningsliste. Nye/Genfangst
Dofbasen link, her

0/1  Gærdesmutte 
8/0  Rødsjert
1/0  Sivsanger
1/1  Gærdesanger 
3/0  Tornsanger 
1/0  Munk
9/1  Gransanger 
32/2 Løvsanger
1/0  Broget Fluesnapper
0/1  Sortmejse 
0/1  Musivt
1/0  Bogfinke
3/0  Tornirisk 
0/2  Lille Gråsisken
1/0  Rørspurv

61 new birds, 9 recaptures

Folk: Menno, Bello, Bent, Bjørn Frikke


søndag 15. maj 2022
Moltoni's warbler, first for DK
af Menno den Uijl

Today was a day without much wind, resulting in a rather slow seawatch for Mikkel. Because of the low wind speeds, I was able to open up all the nets. There were enough birds to keep walking between both ringing sites. Highlights were a pair of goldfinches and some more pied flycatcher. Next to that we also had some recaptures which were ringed last year, good to see that they are all doing good. The two lesser whitethroats have done a retour Africa, quite amazing to think about that.

After some rounds with low numbers in the nets, Bent put out on Zello that he had a subalpine warbler singing in the bog. I quickly closed all the nets and arrived as 4th, since Bello and David were already there. It was quite mobile, but always returned to the same place. After a few times the worn primaries and bleak appareance pointed us towards Moltonis warbler. When we heard a rattle call, we knew that we had jackpot. After Bello got back to the station to send out the recorder call, all twitchers in Denmark got in action. Moltonis warbler is a first for Denmark, so if you are fanatic about your Danish list, you definitely should twitch it.


Photo of the sonogram of the rattle call – Picture by Bello


Photo of the Moltoni’s warbler – Photo by Maria Rasmussen


Photo of the twitch

We think that Bent will write a bit about it since it is a new species for Denmark. When that article is out, we will place the link here as well, so the readers of the blog will get an impression how he experienced the second find of a first of the country.

After I got back, I decided to open the nets again. Although it is not comparable with this mourning, we managed to get a new for the season, a wood pigeon! Luckily Bello was in the around to help me with the measurements.


Photo of me with the wood pigeon – Picture by Bello


Ringing totals:

Wood pigeon (1/0)

Wren (0/1)

Redstart (1/0)

Blackbird (1/0)

Sedge warbler (1/0)

Lesser whitethroat (0/4)

Common whitethroat (2/0)

Garden warbler (1/0)

Chiffchaff (5/2)

Willow warbler (7/0)

Pied flycatcher (8/0)

Coal tit (0/1)

Starling (1/0)

Chaffinch (1/1)

Goldfinch (2/0)

Linnet (2/1)

Lesser redpoll (2/1)


Another day with fresh arrivels

lørdag 14. maj 2022
af Mikkel Bello

I was joined by my parents on the count this morning, but my mother joined menno with the ringing shortly after. It wasnt very exciting on the counting although we saw a Black Throated Diver and a Peregrin Falcon.
Peregrin Falcon. Photo by Mikkel 

After, my dad and I walked to the bog and found a Spotted Flycatcher which is the first for this season in Blåvand also two grasshopper warblers. I also found a warbler I found interesting but it wasnt cooporating with us at all, and we couldn't find it afterwards only chifchaf was in the bushes so it might just have been that.
The butt of a Grasshopper Warbler. Photo by Mikkel 

Menno had a day with some fine birds especially Pied Flycatcher was a highlight as he chaught 7! 
Later I took my parents out to see the floks of Red Dear near Tane Sø. It was very sucessfull as we also saw a Bittern. 

Bitteren. Photo by Mikkel 

David joined us today and will stay until tomorrow. We went out to eat for dinner all five of us which was really nice! After My parents left. We went back to the station and soon went for a walk to the bog. We saw the Spotted flycatcher but nothing elese of interest.  Now we are going to bed.

Link to Dofbasen, here

People at the station: David, Pernille, Menno, Svend, Mikkel. 

A new for the season

fredag 13. maj 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today was quite slow, just like the past few days. When I complained to David and Bello about it, the next round finally had some birds including a nice dark male Pied flycatcher. We also had a new species for the season, meadow pipit. When I tried to show it to David and Bello, I forgot in which bag I had put it in. Hence I gambled two times wrong, luckily I was not in the casino.

The parents of Mikkel came by today, they are in the area for a few days. Although there were not that many birds, they could witness the processing of three birds.

For next week southeastern winds are predicted, so hopefully another subalpine warbler will be in the nets here.

Picture of the seasons new bird, Meadow pipit – Picture by Bello

Ringing totals:

Meadow pipit (1/0)

Wren (0/1)

Song thrush (2/0)

Lesser whitethroat (2/1)

Common whitethroat (2/0)

Blackcap (1/0)

Chiffchaff (2/0)

Willow warbler (5/2)

Pied Flycatcher (2/0)

Coal tit (0/2)

Starling (2/0)

Chaffinch (2/0)

Redpoll (1/0)

People at the station: David, Bello and his parents and Menno

Bird of the season?

onsdag 11. maj 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today we had to say goodbye to Agata and Maciej unfortunately. It would have been nice if they could stay a bit longer here, but another adventure at Ottenby is waiting for them. We wish them all the best and some good birds there.

Just a few minutes before they left I found a Red-breasted flycatcher male in the stationshaven. Unfortunately it did not fly in, but later in the day it flew into one of the nets. Although every species is nice to catch, I must admit that this has been they best bird so far. It was already the third new species for the season. Earlier this day we were able to ring garden warbler and sedge warbler. We only miss a few species that still need to return from Africa, such as Spotted flycatcher and Icterine warbler.
Pomarine Skua doku shot by Bello

The seawatch was also very productive, although the limited vision. Maybe because of a bit of mist, an artic skua decided to rest on the beach. In a short time, it got chased away by some gulls. Next to the resting one, he saw three more and a pomarine skua. A kittiwake could also be added to the observationlist.


Definitely the species of the day! – Picture by Bello


Sedge warbler – Picture by Bello

Also !! The blog from the 9th is posted now!

Dofbasen link here

Ringing totals:

Blackbird (2/0)

Song thrush (1/1)

Sedge warbler (1/0)

Lesser whitethroat (0/2)

Garden warbler (1/0)

Chiffchaff (7/2)

Willow warbler (4/0)

Red breasted Flycatcher (1/0)

Pied flycatcher (1/0)

Linnet (1/0)

Bullfinch (2/0)

People at the station: Agata, Maciej, Bent, Bello and Menno

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