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Young ones in the nets

onsdag 1. juni 2022
af Morten Jenrich Hansen

We had all nets open in both gardens from 04:30 till 18 o`clock and continued at the station till 20.
It did not produce high numbers, but we did get some of the young tits, that are coming straight out of their nests in these days.
Both Coal Tits (Sortmejse), Great Tits (Musvit) and Crested Tits (Topmejse) was on the move.
I took my time at the stations ringing laboratory, as I was asked by the Danish ringing central to contributed to the national scheme of monitoring long distance migrants for West Nile Virus.
It involves taking a little blood sample from the wing of the bird and keep the sample cold till it is send for analysis at Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen.
Menno took care of the birds caught in the Lighthouse garden and that arrangenment went well on a long day.
We might not be able to open nets tomorrow in windy conditions and some showers predicted for the morning, so we hoped to get most out of today.
It ended with a day total of 33 ringed birds and 7 recaptured.

Young Coal Tits. Photo: Mikkel Bello

Young Great Tits. Photo: Mikkel Bello

A young Goldcrest (Fuglekonge). Photo: Menno

Bello did some walks at the beach and at “Mosen” and on the moorland behind, but did not find any special birds this day.
Best was 3 singing Sedged Warblers (Sivsanger) and 2 Caspian Gulls (Kaspisk Måge).

On the beach the Little Terns (Dværgterne) have made a fast respons to Sundays reparations of the tilted fence around their nesting area.
On Sunday there were 4 active nests, Monday had 7 active nests and now there are 8.
We cross our fingers and hope, that tomorrows wind from northwest won´t make a new ravage of the tern colony.

Ringing totals:

White Wagtail (2/1)

Blackbird (1/0)

Icterine warbler (4/0)

Sedge warbler (1/0)

Marsh warbler (1/0)

Common Whitethroat (1/1)

Blackcap (2/0)

Chiffchaff (1/0)

Willow warbler (0/1)

Goldcrest (1/0)

Great Tit (9/0)

Crested Tit (3/1)

Coal Tit (3/0)

Lesser Redpoll (1/2)

Linnet (1/1)

Greenfinch (2/0)

People at the station: Bello, Menno and Morten

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