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A new ringer as summer time begins

søndag 31. marts 2019
Ingen ringmærkning...
af Tim Micallef

The month ended with fitting March 2019 conditions, i.e. too much wind! Birding along the coast provided some close views of regular species including quite a few Common Gulls (Stormmåge) and Black-headed Gulls (Hættemåge). 3 Red-throated Divers (Rødstrubet Lom) and plenty of Common Scoter (Sortand) were rafting just off the shore too. A Black-throated Diver (Sortstrubet Lom) and some Velvet Scoter (Fløjlsand) were observed further out at sea.

Although it was not feasible to carry out the standard ringing today, we do have an important ringer-related update, one which brings great experience and company to the station. Morten Jenrich Hansen arrived this afternoon and will be working here for the rest of the spring season! 

Folk: Morten, Tim

Short-toed Treecreeper recapture

lørdag 30. marts 2019
30 birds of 8 species
af Tim Micallef

Today the first Bullfinch for this season was ringed, a male, following the female bird recaptured earlier this week. Otherwise Goldcrests and Robins are evidently returning in good numbers. Once again the last capture of the day was particularly interesting, with a recapture of a Short-toed Treecreeper (Korttået Træløber). A great recovery to log for this species at Blåvand, ringed here in April 2017.

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Pyrrhula pyrrhula

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Certhia brachydactyla

Apart from the ringing, a couple of Starlings (Stær) and Tree Sparrows (Skovspurv) seemed to show interest in the nest boxes at the station, while Siskins (Grønsisken), Meadow Pipits (Engpiber) and a female Black Redstart (Husrødstjert) were present around the lighthouse. The lovely morning weather also enticed a few Vipera berus to bask in the sun.

Following the ringing hours, I joined John and Bjørn who dropped by to work on and organise the ringing facility at fyr. Sea fog and the wind speed increased by late afternoon, and the latter will persist bringing rather strong gusts until tomorrow...

Ringmærkning: 4 Dunnock (Jernspurv), 2 Song Thrush (Sangdrossel), 1 Blackbird (Solsort), 7 Robin (Rødhals), 2 Chiffchaff (Gransanger), 11 Goldcrest (Fuglekonge), 2 Firecrest (Rødtoppet Fuglekonge), 1 Bullfinch (Dompap)

Folk: Bjørn, John, Tim

Først Hvid Vipstjert

fredag 29. marts 2019
30 fugle af 10 arter
af Tim Micallef

After a clear night sky, a bright and birdsong-filled morning ensued. South-westerly wind contributed to quite a warm day for migration, with some Chiffchaffs, Goldcrests and thrushes moving through. Although not a peak day this month, we ringed the second Redwing, as well as the first White Wagtail this spring (adult male). An adult female was also recaptured, shown below.

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Motacilla alba

Ringmærkning: 4 Dunnock (Jernspurv), 1 White Wagtail (Hvid Vipstjert), 4 Blackbird (Solsort), 1 Redwing (Vindrossel), 3 Robin (Rødhals), 1 Wren (Gærdesmutte), 3 Chiffchaff (Gransanger), 8 Goldcrest (Fuglekonge), 1 Great Tit (Musvit), 4 Chaffinch (Bogfinke)

Folk: John, Tim

Mild bird ringing, milder weather

torsdag 28. marts 2019
16 birds of 7 species
af Tim Micallef

The weather conditions improved overnight. We mostly ringed Blackbirds today and had many, many more of them hopping around. We also had a female Firecrest, the sixth individual this month. The last bird was a Bullfinch (Dompap) recapture, ringed at the station in 2018.

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Regulus ignicapilla

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Pyrrhula pyrrhula close-up

A few hours of morning birding and sea watching by Jan went well, with numerous Red-throated Divers (Rødstrubet Lom) and gulls migrating north. These included several dozen Lesser Black-backed Gulls (Sildemåge), a Black-throated Diver (Sortstrubet Lom) and even an Arctic Skua (Almindelig Kjove) - as far as I know it's the first this spring! Looking forward to the imminent return passage of a few Sandwich Terns (Splitterne), Northern Wheatears (Stenpikker) and so many other species.

Ringmærkning: 2 Dunnock (Jernspurv), 7 Blackbird (Solsort), 1 Chiffchaff (Gransanger), 1 Goldcrest (Fuglekonge), 1 Firecrest (Rødtoppet Fuglekonge), 2 Chaffinch (Bogfinke), 2 Greenfinch (Grønirisk)

Folk: Jan, Xenia, Tim

NW winds persist

onsdag 27. marts 2019
3 birds of 3 species
af Tim Micallef

8m/s winds and frequent showers on site this morning, yet more Redwings (Vindrossel) and Greenfinches (Grønirisk) than I've seen so far. Mostly observed between the station and lighthouse gardens, 10+ Greenfinches and a couple of Redwings were at one point all feeding in the car park area.

The Goldcrest (Fuglekonge) ringed today was a female, as was the Blackbird (Solsort). Also spotted a few Common Redpolls (Gråsisken), 4 Starlings (Stær) and a not-so-shy roe deer hanging around during the net rounds...

IMG 1096(photo taken last week)

Ringing: 1 Blackbird (Solsort), 1 Dunnock (Jernspurv), 1 Goldcrest (Fuglekonge)

Folk: Tim

More than a breeze...

tirsdag 26. marts 2019
No ringing today
af Tim Micallef

The morning hours were not ideal, as both rain and wind gusts exceeded the weather forecast. Afternoon sea watching included 1 Gannet (Sule), 4 Red-throated Diver (Rødstrubet Lom) and a few Common Scoter (Sortand). The usual gulls and waders were also present, avoiding the 'sandstorm' patches of the beach.

IMG 1217 

Two ringed White Wagtails (Hvid Vipstjert), vocal Song Thrushes (Sangdrossel) and Chaffinches (Bogfinke) occupied the lighthouse garden while work on improving the vegetation within the helgoland trap was underway. More shrubs were planted at the widest entry section and some birds, particularly thrushes, were already frequenting these new trees by the evening.

Folk: Svend R., Svend C., Tim

Hej igen, vind

mandag 25. marts 2019
Ingen ringmærkning i dag
af Tim Micallef

Strong winds hindered the ringing this morning, and persisted throughout the day. We found some shelter in the dunes and later on the beach for some birding. There seemed to be few predated toads near the ponds, probably taken by Hooded/Carrion Crows (Gråkrage/Sortkrage). Though a relatively slow morning, we did spot 4 (3,1) Red-breasted Mergansers (Toppet Skallesluger) migrating north, plus a few Sanderlings (Sandløber), Black-headed Gulls (Hættemåge), 1 Rook (Råge) and 4-5 Snow Buntings (Snespurv). Bird species present in good numbers today include Meadow Pipit (Engpiber) and Blackbird (Solsort).

Later, a few Oystercatchers (Strandskade) were observed feeding along the coast. With quite high tide, the Herring Gulls (Sølvmåge) and Common Gulls (Stormmåge) were less numerous by the evening.

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Haematopus ostralegus

Folk: Bent, Tim


søndag 24. marts 2019
13 birds of 7 species
af Tim Micallef

It was sunny and calm this morning. Migration is truly unpredictable, and after the early arrival of two Blackcaps yesterday, the number and diversity of birds depends on so many variables. Wind direction has a major influence, and being south westerly today, we did not have as many birds as one would expect. However, we did record a new species, the distinctive Crested Tit. It was briefly heard, seen and subsequently ringed at the station. Having seen this species on very few occasions, it is my first in Denmark and also the very first up close. On close inspection of plumage, iris colour and wing length, it's likely a second calendar year male.

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Lophophanes cristatus

Ringmærkning: 1 Dunnock (Jernspurv), 3 Blackbird (Solsort), 1 Robin (Rødhals), 1 Chiffchaff (Gransanger), 5 Goldcrest (Fuglekonge), 1 Crested Tit (Topmejse), 1 Chaffinch (Bogfinke)

Folk: Xenia, Tim


lørdag 23. marts 2019
52 birds of 12 species, including 2 Blackcaps
af Tim Micallef

This morning was rather busy ringing, once again comprising mostly of Goldcrests, Blackbirds and Dunnocks. With a majority of them in their second year, it seems that female Goldcrests arrivals are slowly increasing. Besides these, two male Blackcaps were amongst the earliest birds, both in good condition and interesting to have had - they usually do not arrive before April. Also in migration mode were the second Eurasian Treecreeper and the fifth Firecrest (male) ringed this season.

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Sylvia atricapilla

After the intially busy hours, Bent pressed on with some birding, sighting 3 Red-throated Divers (Rødstrubet Lom), c.400 Sanderlings (Sandløber), plenty of gulls and even a Woodlark (Hedelærke) migrating over the beach. My evening walk was lovely with Stonechat (Sortstrubet Bynkefugl), Meadow Pipit (Engpiber), Skylark (Sanglærke) and Yellowhammer (Gulspurv) calls. The few ponds in the dune area were also emitting 'calls', from numerous toads whose surface activity was noticed earlier by Bent.

IMG 1177

Emberiza citrinella

Ringmærkning: 3 Wren (Gærdesmutte), 9 Dunnock (Jernspurv), 10 Blackbird (Solsort), 6 Robin (Rødhals), 2 Blackcap (Munk), 2 Chiffchaff (Gransanger), 12 Goldcrest (Fuglekonge), 1 Firecrest (Rødtoppet Fuglekonge), 1 Eurasian Treecreeper (Træløber), 2 Chaffinch (Bogfinke), 2 Greenfinch (Grønirisk), 1 Siskin (Grønsisken)

Folk: Bent, Lars, Bjørn, Tim

Fotos: Lars og Tim

Foggy Friday

fredag 22. marts 2019
24 birds of 8 species
af Tim Micallef

The morning air was once again filled with Goldcrest and Firecrest chirps. A handful of Dunnocks and Blackbirds also made their presence known, followed by a beautiful Redwing. The light southerly breeze perhaps facilitated its arrival, the first individual seen here this season. Other thrushes such as Fieldfare (Sjagger) and Mistle Thrush (Misteldrossel) have also been recorded at Blåvand this month.

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Turdus iliacus

Jonas had another demonstration mid-morning, coinciding well with a variety of birds for the beginning of spring. Even with misty conditions throughout most of the day, Bullfinch (Dompap), Tree Sparrow (Skovspurv), Starling (Stær) and White Wagtail (Hvid Vipstjert) were seen or heard. The haze even caused confusion at one point, when I briefly mistook a male Chaffinch for a pinkish warbler-like bird at a distance. Otherwise we did not spot many finches...but there should be more decent weather to facilitate their migration in the remaining days of March.

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Prunella modularis

Ringed birds: 3 Blackbird (Solsort), 1 Redwing (Vindrossel), 2 Robin (Rødhals), 4 Dunnock (Jernspurv), 1 Wren (Gærdesmutte), 1 Chiffchaff (Gransanger), 10 Goldcrest (Fuglekonge), 2 Chaffinch (Bogfinke)

Folk: Bent, Jonas, Lars, Tim

Fotos: Lars Ejlersen

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