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Short-toed Treecreeper recapture

lørdag 30. marts 2019
30 birds of 8 species
af Tim Micallef

Today the first Bullfinch for this season was ringed, a male, following the female bird recaptured earlier this week. Otherwise Goldcrests and Robins are evidently returning in good numbers. Once again the last capture of the day was particularly interesting, with a recapture of a Short-toed Treecreeper (Korttået Træløber). A great recovery to log for this species at Blåvand, ringed here in April 2017.

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Pyrrhula pyrrhula

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Certhia brachydactyla

Apart from the ringing, a couple of Starlings (Stær) and Tree Sparrows (Skovspurv) seemed to show interest in the nest boxes at the station, while Siskins (Grønsisken), Meadow Pipits (Engpiber) and a female Black Redstart (Husrødstjert) were present around the lighthouse. The lovely morning weather also enticed a few Vipera berus to bask in the sun.

Following the ringing hours, I joined John and Bjørn who dropped by to work on and organise the ringing facility at fyr. Sea fog and the wind speed increased by late afternoon, and the latter will persist bringing rather strong gusts until tomorrow...

Ringmærkning: 4 Dunnock (Jernspurv), 2 Song Thrush (Sangdrossel), 1 Blackbird (Solsort), 7 Robin (Rødhals), 2 Chiffchaff (Gransanger), 11 Goldcrest (Fuglekonge), 2 Firecrest (Rødtoppet Fuglekonge), 1 Bullfinch (Dompap)

Folk: Bjørn, John, Tim