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Se indlæg fra måned: feb. (2)mar. (8)
Garden work
Jeg gik på hukket og sad der i cirka halvanden time. Der var ikke meget bevægelse over havet, men man skal nyde de små ting her i begyndelsen af sæsonen. Der var intet usædvanligt hverken på arter eller tal.
Det bedste var nok 4 Kaspiske Måger på stranden ud af de omkring 300 Sølvmåger som rastede. Heriblandt en rigtig flot 2K Kaspisk Måge, som jeg kunne nyde igennem hele morgenen. Det varmede også en smule da 2 flotte voksne suler kom trækkende syd, men jo ikke noget der ellers tager kegler i birder danmark.
The ringing:
Not so many birds were singing early in the morning, so I was not totally sure if it would be such a good day for ringing. There was again very little wind and soon it became sunny.
The first round brought just one bird but later it turned out to be the best day for this season, with 14 new birds and four recaptures.
The species, that I caught the most today was the Dunnock “Jernspurv”. Three of the Dunnocks had a lot of feather lies. For some reason, Dunnocks often have these, more than other species. Later in the morning, I met Svend Aage, who came for the garden work today and I talked with him about it. He asked if also other often ground flying birds would have these lies, as the Røbin “Rødhals” or the Wren “Gærdesmutte”. But in my experience, it is really mostly Dunnocks “Jernspurv”, I don´t remember seeing it on Wrens “Gærdesmutte”, but think I had some Robins “Rødhals” with feather lies, but mainly really Dunnocks “Jernspurv”. On the following rounds, I kept wondering a bit, why Dunnocks are particularly vulnerable for feather lies, I did not find a solution. But evenings are still quite long, I might search if there are any articles about that and will update you, if I find something on that.
Another Chiffchaff “Gransanger” was in the net today. Other highlights were a Greenfinch “Grønirisk” and a Redwing “Vindrossel”. When I went out to take a picture of it, Steffi from the lighthouse and some visitors saw me and I could show them the bird with the beautiful rusty red under the wing.
Greenfinch "Grønirisk".
The visitors took the picture for me. Now I am also on it.
News of the station:
Many people were at the station today, as some of the trees in the station garden were cut today, so they are lower and on the hight of the nets, so the birds do not just fly over. First Hans Bjerre with his car full of equipment arrived together with Svend Aage, then also Henrik Callesen, Bent and Henrik Böhmer arrived. David did a few hours of migration count but was also soon in the garden to help. As there were so many people, there was also cake, which was nice.
Hans at work.
People: Svend Aage Clausen, Bent Jakobsen, Hans Bjerre, Henrik Callesen, Henrik Böhmer, David Manstrup, Hanelie Sidhu
New arrivals in the nets
This morning, there were even more Songthrushes “Sangdrossel” singing. I heard at least two both around the station and lighthouse garden. And first round, I found one in a net in the lighthouse garden. Another short-distance migrant arrived in the net, a Chiffchaff “Gransanger”. There are also a few that stay over winter but most still migrate to warmer parts of Europe, so I see it as another sign that migration starts.
Chiffchaff "Gransanger"
And some other nice species were in the nets today: The first Robin “Rødhals” of the season, a common but always nice bird as well as a Crested Tit “Topmejse”. First, it was just calling in the lighthouse garden, next round it was in one of the nets at Krattet.
The Crested Tit "Topmejse" refused to show its pretty crest on the picture.
The wind was very low today, but after nine o´clock, it slowed down a lot with passerine activity. The sun came out and it was a beautiful morning, but at 9.30 the last bird was in the net.
When I closed the nets, two of the pegs in the ground, to which the net poles are attached with rope and which make them stand, went out of the ground. So I was still a bit busy with hammering them in and making the nets stand again. But now, it is all ready to be up tomorrow morning again!
At the station: David Manstrup, Hanelie Sidhu
Morning greetings from a Songthrush
The morning started again with opening the nets, Joseph and I did one garden each. When I came down from the lighthouse garden, a Song Thrush “Sangdrossel” was singing near the stations garden. I stood still for a while and listened. Another sign, that spring is really starting! When I went for the first round, it had stopped and I hoped to find it in the net, but not yet. It turned out to be a really beautiful, sunny and bright day, I had the biggest number of birds so far that season, 12 new and 5 recaps. Most birds were caught in the stations garden. The only bird in the lighthouse garden was a Treecreeper, but this time a Eurasian “Træløber”. Note the short bill in comparison to the Short-toed Treecreeper “Korttået Træløber” the long hind claw and the supercilium which reaches both the forehead and the nape. It was nice to have both Treecreeper species in such a short interval, to compare, as I still had the Short-toed well in mind.
Eurasian Treecreeper "Træløber"
Tree Dunnocks "Jernspurv" in the nets today.
During the morning, Joseph left to Copenhagen for a long weekend. He will be back on Sunday.
Also this morning, a professional cleaning team came to the station and cleaned the floors on the ground floor and the bathrooms.
It was a really nice spring day and many Ostercatchers “Strandskade”, Sanderlings “Sandløber” Turnstones “Stenvender” and Purple Sandpipers “Sortgrå Ryle” were gartering on the sand bank at the beach.
The weather looks promising for the next days, I am looking forward to some nice mornings with ringing and also hope to finally have something in the moths traps again.
At the station: Joseph Stephan, Hanelie Sidhu
A windy day at Blåvandshuk
The wind strength for today did not look very promising for today when we checked DMI yesterday evening. I woke up nevertheless to check if it had changed. But no. We could enjoy sleeping a bit longer. After breakfast the bright sun lured me out.
The military area was open, so I decided to cycle through Kallesmærkhede to Strib Sø. Strib Sø was not as interesting as expected, I didn´t see more on the lake than Greylegs “Grågas” and Mallards “Gråand”. But I was delighted by four Mistle Thrushes “Misteldrossel”, a singing Crested Tit “Topmejse”, some Stonechats “Sortstrubet Bynkefugl”, Meadow Pipits “Engpiber” and Skylarks “Sanglærke”.
Strib Sø
While the way to the lake was nice and easy as I had the wind in my back, I really had to fight against the wind on the way back. It was now afternoon, and I saw three Buzzards “Musvage”, a Kestrel “Tårnfalk” and a Hen Harrier “Blå Kærhøg”. Maybe it was the same one that Joseph saw on his walk. He went along the dunes to Sabinebunker and was a smarter than me cycling against the wind, by laying sheltered from the wind in the dunes, the Skylarks “Sanglærke” singing above him.
Another day passed at Blåvand, DMI is promising less wind for the next days, so the nets will be opened again tomorrow.
Sunset behind the lighthouse.
At the station: Joseph Stephan, Hanelie Sidhu
An Eventful Day
Today started with Hanelie and me opening the mist nets while the wind blew at 8 m/s from the west. It was quite chilly, just 5 degrees, under a cloudy sky. After a cozy breakfast, the sun began to break through the clouds, and a Great Spotted Woodpecker landed in the net - always a pleasure to see this species up close!
After releasing the Woodpecker, I headed to the dunes to observe the migration. Since there were hardly any migrating birds, I decided to move closer to the water and enjoy watching the many Purple Sandpipers (35) and Turnstones (20) foraging among the Sanderlings (250). I also spotted a single Ringed Plover on the beach.
Later, Hanelie and I were surprised by a short visit from Bent - and by a viper - during our closing run. It was incredible to see both in their natural habitat! ;)
Ringing results:
In the afternoon, we replaced a broken net in the lighthouse garden.
To end this wonderful day, I made some vegetarian burritos for dinner, which carried us off to our well-deserved rest.
People at the Station: Joseph Stephan, Hanelie Sidhu
Wind from Southwest
Grey sky over Blåvand
This morning unfortunately, the weather was not better than expected. It was blowing too much to do standardized ringing in the morning. Some nets were open for short, and one Blackbird “Solsort” was caught.
Ringing totals:
Solsort: 1/0
A rather cold and quiet day today, we are hoping for better weather to come during the week.
People: Joseph Stephan, Hanelie Sidhu
Good start with Short-toed Treecreeper and Glaucous Gull
The ringing:
Today was already a big improvement to yesterday. When I checked DMI in the morning, I saw, that we would have fog again in Blåvand from opening time the whole morning. When I looked out of the window, there was no fog at all. But I was prepared for it, it can get foggy very fast close to the sea. So it just improved my mood a lot, when the fog did not turn up, instead, a bright sun came up at sunrise. First round already brought more new birds than the whole day before, so I was happy. But the best of the morning was still about to come: It appeared in form of a Short-toed Treecreeper “Korttået Træløber”. If there is a Treecreeper with a kind of long Curlew bill in the net, you must be suspicious. Also the step in the wing bar was missing and the tips of the primaries where bright white while they are a little more off-white in the Eurasian Treecreeper. This is a nice species in hand, sometimes, they can soon get a bit tired but this one was very lively.
Some pictures of the Short-toed Treecreeper “Korttået Træløber”
Eight new birds in total and one recap, a nice Yellowhammer “Gulspurv,” were a big improvement to yesterday. Else, it was mainly adult male Blackbirds “Solsort” in the nets.
A bit later in the morning David and Jimmy went to the beach and spotted a Glaucous Gull “Gråmage”!
Glaucous Gull “Gråmage” by David Manstrup
Yesterday evening we had a new arrival at the station: We welcomed back Joseph for the whole spring season and summer, who had already been at the station in autumn 2023.
In the afternoon, Jimmy took Joseph and me to Grønningen. It was a really nice trip and a good variety of species for the time of the year. Great observations were a Hen Harrier “Blå Kærhøg” and lot of Pintails “Spidsand”, a very beautiful duck, I think. Tak for turen Jimmy!
Birdwatching at Grønningen.
People: Joseph, David, Jimmy og Hanelie
The first standardized ringing day in 2025
The ringing:
This morning, the nets in both gardens were open half an hour before sunrise. The first round brought two new Blackbirds “Solsort” and a recapture of a Great Tit “Musvit”. It was again a very foggy morning. And nearly all the rest of the time of standardized ringing, I had zero rounds until I found a Wren “Gærdesmutte”, already with a ring, in a net in the lighthouse garden in the secound last round. But it can just improve.
Great Tit "Musvit" on a foggy morning.
The moths:
Yesterday evening I could not believe DMI which showed the foggy morning that we had today. Because when I checked the moth trap in the evening, the night was star clear. I had two moths in the evening, again the Satellite “Satellitugle” and – a small and inconspicuous one, that was new for me: But to be safe, I will put it as slash secies, Agnopterix heracliana/ciliella, probably heracliana, but these are very similar species.
Agnopterix heracliana/ ciliella.
In the afternoon I went to a lake in the military area and saw two Shovelers "Skeand" with some other ducks.
Not dar from the lake, I saw that very white Buzzard "Musvage", a very beatiful one.
People: David, Hanelie, Jimmy and 2 guests