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The first Common Tern and a Collared Dove in the net

tirsdag 25. marts 2025
af Marit Nillissen & Hanelie Sidhu

To begin with, a little update on last night: First, we did not catch an owl, unfortunately. Second, our “UFO” on the nightsky comes from the launch of a Space X rocket and has been observed by many people last night. Find more information here.

Morning observations:

This morning at the observations I saw the first Common tern “Fjordterne” and a few Little gulls “Dværgmåge”! Also the 3K Yellow legged gull “Middelhavssølvmåge” was again resting at the beach. There were a few diving Northern gannets “Sule” again, which was really cool to see! The variety of species this morning was really good, so it was a nice morning!

Todays observations can be seen here.

The ringing:

Gransanger.jpgChiffchaff "Gransanger". Picture: Hanelie Sidhu

There was much time between the rounds today, I had very few birds. But a little surprise in the closing round: When I arrived at the first net at Krattet I thought I would first check all the four nets in the little forest if there were any birds and then close them from the back. That was a good idea, because when I was closing one of the other nets, a Collared Dove “Tyrkerdue” flew in the first net and got caught. I immediately ran to the net and had the Dove in my hand. We see them every day in the gardens but they do not get caught so often, so it was a fun catch. Just when I was sitting with the Dove in the lab, Bent came in the garden and together with Marit we were admiring the bird with its red eyes, after it got its ring.

Tyrkerdue.jpgCollared Dove "Tyrkerdue". Picture: Bent Jakobsen


At the station: Bent Jakobsen, Marit Nillissen and Hanelie Sidhu