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Enjoying the 3K Yellow-legged Gull

søndag 23. marts 2025
af Marit Nillissen & Hanelie Sidhu

Morning observations:

Today was still windy at the morning observation. But we did see some variation in species! We saw a lot of Razorbills “Alk” and Common Eider “Ederfugl”. Thomas was also joining the morning observations for the first time. He will be joining us in april with the observations every morning!

Henrik and two people from DKU were also there, so it was a nice busy morning!

To the joy of us and the participants of the DKU meeting, the Yellow-legged Gull “Middelhavs-sølvmåge” was resting on the beach and there were also some Caspian Gulls “Caspisk Måge”

Yellow_legged_Gull_DKU.jpgYellow-legged Gull “Middelhavs-sølvmåge”. Picture: Henrik Böhmer

Caspian_gull.jpgCaspian Gull "Kaspisk Måge". Picture: Henrik Böhmer

Tomorrow the weather will be less windy, so it will be less cold.

Today’s observations can be seen here.

The ringing:

The wind was less strong than yesterday so we could have most of the station garden open and do a standardized ringing day. While most of the participants of the DKU meeting either went to do morning observations or slept in today, Morten stayed with me at the station, and we did the rounds in the garden together. Considering that it was less than half of the nets that we had open and there was still quite some wind, we had an okay number of birds, 10 new and 7 recaptures. It was mostly new Robins “Rødhals” and we also had one Chiffchaff “Gransanger” in the net. Morten controlled a Chaffinch “Bogfinke”, that he had ringed in February 2024 and we had a Blackbird that was winged by Lisa in 2019.

Solsort_3k.jpgBlackbird "Solsort". Picture: Hanelie Sidhu


We cleaned the ringing bags from shit and feathers, and they are now washed and dried in the washing machine, ready for many new birds tomorrow, the weather looks good!

People: Henrik Böhmer, David Manstrup, Marit Nillissen, Hanelie Sidhu, Morten Jenrich Hansen and DKU