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A special way to catch a bird

lørdag 25. juni 2022
af Menno den Uijl

25th of June

Today I came across two birders from Norway. The had seen a satellite tagged Ring ouzel. Besides the tag, it is a really interesting that it was an adult summer plumage male. On cr birdring I looked for a project, but could not find a match. Hopefully we will get a respons from another project if they know which project it is.

In the afternoon a woman from the vacation house area came named Hanne and said that there was a swallow in her vacation house. We drove there with our bikes and when we arrived we got it in almost 5 minutes. I brought some ringing equipment, so I ringed it. It was in the house since the mourning, but the bird was still in good condition. After the release done by Hanne, it flew off. Hopefully it will be recovered somewhere else in the world.


(Barn swallow 1/0)

 Stonechat 1/0

Blackbird 1/0

Song thrush 1/0

Lesser whitethroat 0/3

Chiffchaff 4/0

Willow tit 1/0

Blue tit 1/0

Great tit 1/0

Tree sparrow 0/1

Chaffinch 1/0

Greenfinch 0/1

Lesser redpoll 1/2

Totals 17/3

Hot and very windy

fredag 24. juni 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today it was quite hot with 26 degrees Celcius. Next to that there were windguts up to 15 m/s. Because of this I had to close earlier than I liked. The day started quite exceting with a reed warbler, again the wrong Acro...



Coal tit 2/0

Chiffchaff 1/2

Reed warbler 1/0

Tree sparrow 1/0

Chaffinch 1/0

Redpoll 2/0

Total 8/2


People at the station: Bent and Menno



Summer in Blåvand

torsdag 23. juni 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today was a day without any wind, during my stay at Blåvand this happened very rarely. The weather started a bit cloudy, but it cleared out very nicely. Yesterday a short toed eagle has been found by a photographer who made a photo of it and put it out in the Danish facebook group. Unfortunately, he did not put out the location directly. Because of the lack of wind, a big group of common scoters was visible, unfortunately there were just to far to see if there is a black scoter among them. The ringing was better than the last days. Hopefully the coming days there will be more fledge to ring them. A highlight was a recapture of a male yellowhammer ringed as a 2k+ back in 2017, so it is a minimal of 9 years old.


White wagtail 1/0

Dunnock 1/0

Stonechat 1/0

Song thrush 2/0

Lesser whitethroat 2/0

Common whitethroat 2/1

Chiffchaff 1/1

Coal tit 1/0

Great tit 1/0

Tree sparrow 1/0

Siskin 1/0

Lesser redpoll 1/0

Yellowhammer 0/1

Totals 15/3

People at the station: Bjørn, Bent and Menno

Another day in June

onsdag 22. juni 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today was quite slow again. The highlight was another treecreeper caught. Another funny thing was a mistle thrush calling a few times and flew off again, unfortunately I could not find it in the nets afterwards. The cuckoo was still able to stay out of the nets, this is a pity since it has been calling for over a month in the area.



Dunnock 1/0

Song thrush 1/0

Icterine warbler 0/1

Lesser whitethroat 4/1

Willow warbler 0/1

Crested tit 1/0

Treecreeper 1/0

Goldfinch 1/0

Redpoll 1/0

Totals: 10/3

A very cold start of the day

tirsdag 21. juni 2022
Oprydning i redskabsrum
af Menno den Uijl

The start of the day was very cold. Because of that, the first hours there were no birds in the nets. After some hours, there were finally some birds in the nets. The lack of birds allowed me to check the beach on some birds as well. Luckily I did not find any dead gannets.

Svend Aage kom forbi med brød og ordenssans. Han syntes det var på tide at vi fik ryddet op i redskabsrummet, så der nu er cleanet, når NKV påbegynder deres turistture og de kan komme ind til deres grej.


Lesser whitethroat 1/2

Chiffchaff 2/2

Crested tit 0/1

Tree sparrow 2/0

Bullfinch 0/1

Total 5/6

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Døde Suler i massevis

tirsdag 21. juni 2022
Fugleinfluenzaen raser
af Bent Jakobsen

I øjeblikket driver rigtig mange døde Suler ind på strandene på den Jyske vestkyst. Fuglene er uden tvivl ramt af fugleinfluenza, viser Engelske undersøgelser.
I lørdags fandt jeg 7 døde på den sydligste del af Skallingen og i går ikke mindre end 20 på en 3 km lang strækning ved Vejers. Alle undtagen en var adulte fugle, hvilket tyder på at det er i kolonierne fuglene smittes, hvor deres reder ligger med kun 1 meters mellemrum. Verdens største koloni Bass Rock i Skotland, som huser 75.000 par er hårdt ramt, og i UK dør i 1000vis i øjeblikket. Det er uden tvivl fugle herfra som driver ind på vestkysten.
I Blåvandområdet har vi på få dage fundet i alt 35 døde Suler
Ikke kun Sulerne er ramt. I Holland er 25% af bestanden af Splitterne døde inden for kort tid. Og denne art er også ramt i Danmark, hvor der i kolonien på Sprogø er fundet 100 døde.




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Another species of tit

mandag 20. juni 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today, the first hours were raining so the opening was at 08:00. Because of the wind it was also not possible to open all the nets. Although not all the nets could be opened, we caught a willow tit. It was very nice and luckily Bent could enjoy it as well. Besides the willow tit, the ringing was very slow.


Dunnock 2/0

Chiffchaff 0/1

Willow tit 1/0

Coal tit 0/1

Chaffinch 0/1

Bullfinch 1/0

Totals: 4/3



Photo of the catch of the day, Willow tit

People at the station: Bent, Bjørn and Menno

A rainy mourning

søndag 19. juni 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today the day started with some rain, so I was able to sleep a bit longer than usual. After the rain stopped, I opened up at 9. The first round was a very promising round with 8 birds. Unfortunately, that was almost all there was for today.

Ringing totals:

Dunnock 2/0

Blackbird 0/1

Song thrush 1/1

Icterine warbler 0/1

Lesser whitethroat 2/2

Chiffchaff 1/3

Treecreeper 1/0

Total: 7/8

People at the station: Menno

Working at the ternfence

lørdag 18. juni 2022
A very slow ringing day
af Menno den Uijl

Today it has been one of the more quiet days since the start of this month. Because of this Sven, Bjorn and me were able to dig out the tern fence. During the process we saw a Hummingbird hawk sitting on the searocket.

The pictures of us working will follow later

Ringing totals: 8/6

Dunnock 2/0

Lesser whitethroat 1/0

Common whitethroat 0/1

Chiffchaff 0/2

Willow warbler 1/0

Crested tit 0/2

Great tit 0/1

Bullfinch 3/0

People at the station: Sven, Bjørn and Menno

Summer in Blåvand

fredag 17. juni 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today was a slow day, despite the southern winds. I hoped for some more birds with the southern winds but the birds did not cooperate. The best birds were nuthatch and tree creeper, it is nice to catch them!

In the afternoon, there was a long period of rain. This made me close the nets earlier than I would like.

Ringing totals

Dunnock 1/0

Stonechat 1/0

Lesser whitethroat 0/1

Chiffchaff 1/2

Willow warbler 1/1

Crested tit 3/0

Blue tit 1/0

Great tit 1/1

Nuthatch 1/0

Tree creeper 1/0

Chaffinch 1/0

Greenfinch 1/0

Linnet 1/0

Bullfinch 1/0

Yellowhammer 1/0

Totals 16/5

People at the station: Bent and Menno





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