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onsdag 13. november 2019
Sidste blogindlæg fra Lisa.
af Lisa Flam

I can’t believe this day has come, my last blog for this season.
I would like to share some of my thoughts after 3 months on the station, some thanks etc.

While having a nice fancy last dinner, Michael and I, after living together and experiencing this season together, were talking about our favorites: favorite bird, favorite day and so on. For me, after all, the Goldcrests (fuglekonger) are still my favorites, beside them, we had some amazing birds this season!

On the first high-volume day, there were 80 birds on the first round, crazy crazy, and we catch in the net no less than a Red-flanked Bluetail (blåstjert)! Who would imagine that happening? For me that day was a good first experience being in charge of a day like that. I learned a lot about dealing with situations like that; I felt much more in control on the other high-volume day that came after that.

Of course, let’s not forget the Greenish Warbler (lundsanger), only a week after arriving at the station. It was the 8th for the station (autumn only), last one was 2010 (there were a few others in spring). I remember the surprise when I saw it in Bent's hands.

If we are already discussing small beautiful little Warblers- Pallas’s Leaf Warbler (fuglekongesanger) of course!! Bent told me all along that if I’m lucky, I’ll catch one of those, and that I am going to love them. On Oct 28, my wish to catch a Fieldfare (sjagger) came true (I’ve seen plenty migrating but never got to ring one- this season we had 5 ringed!), I was so excited I didn’t think anything could make me happier at that moment. Then, I walked up to the lighthouse garden, first net, Pallas’s Leaf Warbler!!! Wow, that is a beautiful amazing bird.

I feel like once again mentioning the Waxwing (silkehale), my last bird on the ‘wish list’, I still can’t believe this.

Downsides this season- RAIN. So many rainy days, it was unbelievable. Besides that, the lack of Blue Tits (blåmejser), yes, after 19 my fingers were swollen, but I could survive a bit more. We ringed only 63 Blue Tits this season. For a comparison, last autumn 687 were ringed. The highest number of ringed Blue Tits in 1 season was on the amazing season of 2008, with 2063 ringed!  

A bit about my experience as a foreigner: there were times that the language barrier was sometimes not easy, especially in the beginning. But, once everyone got used to speaking more English in the station, and once I got used to being here and feeling comfortable, it got ok.

Life on the station was amazing, living out here with the birds, the beach, was just incredible. I felt blessed from the moment I arrived, and 3 months later I feel the same.

This station is special, all the guest we had throughout the season were lovely, it feels like home and you can see it in the people’s eyes when they arrive. The amazing thing is, it really felt like home for me from day 1.

And finally, the people who make this all happen. I won’t start with names, but I think you all know who I am talking about. You were able to give me a home away from home. I felt trusted which gave me motivation to work as hard as I could, to always get better and prove myself.

A big thanks goes to Bent, he came practically every day to the station, joined me ringing, taking care of us, making us feel welcomed and appreciated. I can’t even express how much I appreciate all his hard work here.

And of course to Michael, who got up most mornings early to help me open the nets, wrote the blog with me, cooked, cleaned, and shared the time with me. It was special for the both of us, and fun to have someone to share everything with. 

I have so much love to this place, it's hard for me to express with words. Next time you come to the station, look for my photo collage I’ve made (and some other random photos all over). Maybe that will help send out my feeling to this magical place.

Thanks to all the wonderful people I have met and made this an incredible time. Thanks to the fantastic birds, thanks to nature.. The time I have spent here will never be forgotten.

And of course, you are all welcomed to visit me in Israel (I will also except a visit by some Waxwings, and to be more realistic, GOLDCRESTS please. But mostly this is a shout out to all the people!)


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Last dinner! Yotam and Michael are happy, they just tend to not show it in these kind of photos. Photo: Lisa Flam

This one I call (some of) The Men of the Station. Some are missing, but don't worry, they got their own picture. Photo: Lisa Flam

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We finally made it to the top of the lighthouse! Photo: Some random guy.

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I still can't believe it, so here is a photo to prove it, me ringing a Waxwing
 (silkehale)! Photo: Yotam Lehnardt

portred long tailed tit 1
Another 'dream come true'. Long-tailed Tits
(halemejser). Photo: Lisa Flam

Blue tail new edit
Let's give some honor to this amazing bird. Red-flanked Bluetail (blåstjert). Photo: Lisa Flam

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I can't ignore this photo. Two males, 1CY, Firecrest (rødtoppet fuglekonge) and Goldcrest (fuglekonge). I'm so in love. Photo: Lisa Flam

20190925 075903.jpg1And this is me with a smile of real joy. And many birds, as you can see. Until the next time!