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Felttræf i gang

lørdag 13. oktober 2018
Så er trækket tilbage på normalen
af Jennifer Leung
Migration became very slow today with strong S wind the whole morning and there were much less migrants counted than yesterday. Migration was also lukewarm in the gardens. 


Amid the sluggishness of migration, a Great Skua and a young Peregrine Falcon were easily the delight for the counters. Great drop in numbers of usually strong migrating forces included Common Starling, Chaffinch and Brambling, and Blue Tits. Altogether there were less than 5,000 migrants counted today.  


Ringing in the garden was uneventful with 97 birds ringed in total, and 47 Blue Tits were ringed as the major species on nets. 9 species were ringed in total. With holidays began and "Big Hit Week" kicking in, more and more visiting birders are staying in the station - full house now.

Deer bull. Foto. Jennifer Leung

Foto: Jennifer Leung

Young harrier. Foto. Jennifer Leung

Foto: Jennifer Leung