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Windy day

torsdag 3. maj 2018
Temperature feels like 3°C!

Weather: Temperature 7°C; fresh breeze from West (273°) 11 m/s, Visibility 20 km. Clouded 4/8.

No ringing today.

It was lovely to see and to hear a male common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus - Gøg - Kuckuck) at the wetland (mosen). Bent saw a hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes - Kernebider - Kernbeißer) and common whitethroat (Sylvia communis - Tornsanger - Dorngrasmücke).

Yesterday in the afternoon a European hare (Lepus europaeus - Hare - Feldhase) enjoyed the quiet catching garden.

180503 0205 P1200835 2c Hase

European hare (Lepus europaeus – Hare - Feldhase), picture: H. Schinke