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Water everywhere and artificial thunder!

onsdag 6. september 2017
af Christian Schano

Vejr: direction - SV (219); speed - 3 m/s; cloud cover - 7/8; visibility - 15 km; temperature - 16.8 °C

Today, we unexpectedly had good weather for migration. The last 48 hours promised us heavy rain throughout the whole day, but luckily (maybe because we ate up so well yesterday evening), we head good weather until 11 o'clock. This meant, that Henrik K, David, Henrik, Jimmy and Sampsa from Finland checked the sea for migrating birds.Migration counts again, went down pretty slowly and the gulls were difficult to count today. A few Arctic Skuas were flying around and a Great Skua (possibly the one from the last few observations at the station) showed up after the count. 

Bent and me stayed at the station for ringing in both gardens, as usual. The first round was very silent, but at the end we managed to get 15 birds of 8 species ringed. Hoorayy! 
Ringmærkning: Wren (1), Dunnock (3), Song Thrush (1), Common Whitethroat (2), Garden Warbler (2), Blackcap (1), Chaffinch (1), Yellowhammer (4). 

At 11 o'clock, the promised bad weather appeared, which we used for some quality talks about raptor migration, the Batumi Raptor Count and population decreases in farmland birds in Europe. I personally fount these talks very interesting and love to share thoughts on complex topics like these. Jimmy, the two Henriks and me went out to the Kjelst Enge for about an hour when the weather cleared up again. The military is very active at the moment, so, although we didn't get real thunder, the military sure made it sound like there actually was thunder :).

See you tomorrow, 