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Autumn is coming--

lørdag 2. september 2017
...and the passerines too!
af Christian Schano

Vejr: direction - N(20); speed - 3 m/s; cloud cover - 4/8; visibility - 18+ km; temperature - 11.8°CVejr: direction - N(20); speed - 3 m/s; cloud cover - 4/8; visibility - 18+ km; temperature - 11.8°C

Today, I would like to start with a picture, sharing the weather Henrik and me had the chance to count at:

This is, what the weather was like today, we were very fortunate, the weather-gods must have stood in great sympathy with us today. Although a little cold, visibility was really nice and we could definitely see autumn coming in by the rising numbers of birds today. Common Scoters could be seen well, resting in the sea today. There were about 5.000 of them (the most I have seen so far), most of which rested south of us. As the water-levels were pretty low today, the gulls and terns were quite far away, so we didn't spend that much time on them, just enough to count them. There was very little migration of waders/shorebirds, but numbers of Red-throated Divers were higher than the previous days. Additionally, we saw the first little group of light-bellied Brent Geese for the season, really nice birds. The weather also brought some passerines and beside nice numbers of swallows we also had quite a few Tree, Meadow Pipits and Yellowhammers, but also a few Reed Buntings and a Grey Wagtail.

As Henrik and Bent cannot be here tomorrow, we will see how I keep up with the raising numbers of songbirds, le'ts see if I get totally overchallenged or if I still manage to post a nice picture tomorrow aswell. :)

Stay tuned, Christian