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What a day...

fredag 1. september 2017
....finally, there is something else to talk about than the weather!
af Christian Schano

Vejr: direction - NV (307); speed - 5 m/s; cloud cover - 4/8; visibility - 18+ km; temperature - 14.6°C

SO, today!! Today, we have some really nice stories to tell. While Henrik went to the beach (and was later joined by David and Sven), Bent and I stayed at the station for ringing. They had a young Peregrine Falcon and three Caspian Gulls, while the rest of the migration went slow again, but today, that was okay. Today's highlight definitely was a JUVENILE SABINE'S GULL. In this case, especially from my perspective, this birds deserves capital letters, it was a lifer for me and I could even get a nice comparison shot with a young Black-headed Gull during the net-rounds. But this bird was also special to the station, as it was the first one spotted here for four years.


Ringing as well went extremely well in my opinion. my definite highlight there was the Firecrest, which is even more amazing when seen at such close range (which is why I also added a picture of this fascinating little fellow). We unfortunately missed a Female Sparrowhawk that I saw flying into the net, but unfortunately it was out faster than I was running the distance of only 3 meters between us. So, to our anger, dissapointment, the Sparrowhawk left nothing more than a football-sized hole in one of our nets. 

Ringmærkning: Dunnock (5), Robin (3), Reed Warbler (1), Lesser Whitethroat (1), Common Whitethroat (1), Garden Warbler (2), Blackcap (4), Willow Warbler (4), Firecrest (1), Spotted Flycatcher (1), Pied Flycatcher (3), Coal Tit (2), Yellowhammer (1). In total: 29 Birds of 13 species.


After the migration counts, Henrik managed to also find the first Grasshopper Warbler near the swamp for this season.
Tomorrow, we try to take up with this brilliant day today, check for yourself if we manage to do it,
