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Many people, few birds

tirsdag 29. august 2017
.. a day to enjoy good company!
af Christian Schano

Vejr: direction - S (172); speed -  5m/s; cloud cover - 6/8; visibility - 10 km; temperature - 17.4 °C

Although warm and not too windy, the first impression of only few birds did not improve over the day. Oystercatcher and wader migration was, again, extremely poor. Maybe, the majority of Oystercatchers has already passed. During the first hour, we had company of our two guests who stayed overnight, they helped us with the migration counts and in counting at the sea as well as inland. As it is Tuesday, we were later also joined by the "Tuesday-Group", aswell as by David, who had visited us quite a few timesover the last two weeks. They were not even at the counting spot for 15 minutes and Henrik K found a young Little Gull, such a nice bird (but probably the most distant one I have ever seen). A few Velvet Scoters (found by Henrik and David), the Little Gull and an Osprey (3rd for the season, found by the Tuesday-Group), were the highlights of today's count, so nothing much to see this morning. However, 21 Kestrels on migration need an honorable mention, aswell as four Caspian Gulls found at the beach during the gull counts by Henrik K. 

Ringing was carried out by Bent, but as on other ringing stations in Europe (Falsterbo in Sweden and St. Martin's therme & Lodge in Eastern Austria), numbers were pretty low today. 
Ringmærkning: Pied Flycatcher (1), Common Whitethroat (2), Blackcap (1), Dunnock (1), Bullfinch (1), Garden Warbler (1). In total: 7 individuals of 6 species.

As promised, I post (two) pictures today. Please see for yourself, that everyone, despite the low numbers of birds, is fully focused and concentrated. I really appreciate how everybody withstands the quietness of the day and even pushed harder to accomplish the count as good as possible. 

DSC 0742

DSC 0745

Hope to catch up with all of you tomorrow, Christian