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Little wind, little birds

lørdag 26. august 2017
..but a nice (big) one for us...
af SSt & CSc

Vejr: direction - SV (233); speed - 5m/s; cloud cover - 6/8; visibility - 15 km; temperature - 16.4°C

Henrik, again, was on his own for the migration count today. He had a quiet morning without many birds and no speciality, other than some low-numbered species mentioned earlier over the last few days (such as 2 Caspian Gulls and  Arctic Skuas, for example). 

Ringingwise, Michael helped out today and motivated Sandra and me to find a Barred Warbler. After two birds, we couldn't believe our eyes when approaching the F6 net in the lighthouse garden: there REALLY was a Barred Warbler in the net. Lucky us, it was the first bird Sandra has ever seen and she could even hold it in her hand briefly for a couple of record shots right before we released it (see picture). Beside this clear highlight for the three of us however, the day did not bring that many other birds, even though, compared to the last days, numbers were absolutely okay. We just couldn't find an explanation on why the birds are not migrating on such a nice and beautiful day. 

Ringmærkning: Blackbird (1), Blackcap (2), Barred Warbler (1), Garden Warbler (2), Willow Warbler (1), Lesser Whitethroat (1), Common Whitethroat (4), Bullfinch (4), Dunnock (4). Intotal: 20 individuals of 9 species.

Barred Warbler

Again, after an amazing day that also generated a nice female Merlin, but only few passerines for Henrik, we had a great feast at the station, all in all, we were 10 people tonight (which is also why you all had to wait this long for the blog). I'ts been a very nice evening and if tomorrow is just a little bit like today, we can definitely call it a good day too. Unfortunately, it is Sandra's last full day tomorrow, she will leave the station monday morning to travel back to Austria. We hope to be able to share some good stories again with you tomorrow, so.. stay tuned
Sandra & Christian