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The first Sandwich terns

onsdag 19. marts 2025
af Marit Nillissen & Hanelie Sidhu

sunrise_over_the_bog.jpgA beautiful sunrise over the bog this morning. Picture: Hanelie Sidhu

Morning observations:

This morning I did the morning observation with Joseph. It was a beautiful morning, with little wind and a nice sun; a relaxing start of the day. In total we saw 278 Common scoter “Sortand” and 170 Red-throated divers “Rodstrubbet Lom” migrating and some other species like the Northern gannet “Sule” and Common eider “Ederfugl”. We even saw the first two Sandwich terns “Splitterne” which we were really excited about! The beginning of the migration season is really here.

Around 10am the migration slowed down and I went back. Joseph had already gone home in the meantime, because he is going to Copenhagen to visit his girlfriend.

Todays observations can be seen here.

Morning_obs.jpgAt the morning observation. Picture: Marit Nillissen


The ringing: 

Lille_Grasisken.jpgOne of todays Lesser Redpolls "Lille Gråsisken". Picture: Hanelie Sidhu

Already when I opened the nets I could see, that it would be a very nice morning. And it was, all sunny and the nice weather made some more birds fly. It was nineteen new birds ringed today, it is going up again! Two beautiful Goldfinches “Stillits”, one new Chiffchaff “Gransanger” and a Lesser Redpoll “Lille Gråsisken”, ringed by Morten in 2022 were the highlights of this morning. Between the rounds, when I had a short rest in the house, I met Joseph, getting ready to leave to Copenhagen after a short morning Obs, he will be back in a week, let´s hope the Jay “Skovskade” that he is hoping for in the nets will wait to fly in until the 27th of March! Tomorrow it will be a little warmer in the morning, low winds but not so much sun, let´s see what it will bring!


Rodhals.jpgRobin "Rødhals". Picture: Hanelie Sidhu

People: Joseph Stephan, Marit Nillissen and Hanelie Sidhu