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A new net, some new poles and a Yellowhammer couple

tirsdag 18. marts 2025
af Hanelie Sidhu

With four degrees, this morning was a little warmer than the last mornings, no minus degrees anymore. While I was waiting for the first round, Karen was packing her things to leave home, and do some birding stops on the way. It was some nice days, and we are sure that we will meet her again at some point this spring season.

For me it was a day of recaptures. By now, the nets need to be open at 06.00 in the morning but they were already at 05.45 and I did the closing round at 11.15. Standard time is just until 11.00 and until then, it was just recaptures in the nets. At 11.15, I had a new couple of Yellowhammers “Gulspurv” and a new Dunnock “Jernspurv”, all in one net. The whole morning, I heard Redpolls “Gråsisken” calling so after standard time, I left three nets open and had sound on for a little while, but I just caught one Lesser Redpoll “Lille Gråsisken”.

Yellowhammer coupleFemale and male Yellowhammer/ Gulspurv. Picture: Marit Nillissen


Bent was also out with his scope this morning and we were exchanging one of the nets at Kratett together.

Marith and Joseph came back very early from the observation, as they did not have many birds on migration.

Morning_obs_Marith.jpgThis morning at the obs. Picture: Joseph Stephan

Todays observations can be seen here.

In the afternoon, we went to the beach all together and hammered in three new poles to mark, where the electric fence for the breeding Terns will be set up.

Joseph_and_Marit_hammering.jpgJoseph and Marit working with the poles on the beach. Picture: Hanelie Sidhu

Tomorrow it will be sunny all day with very low wind, we are looking forward to it.

At the station: Marit Nillissen, Joseph Stephan, Bent Jakobsen and Hanelie Sidhu