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Garden work

lørdag 8. marts 2025
af David Manstrup and Hanelie Sidhu


Jeg gik på hukket og sad der i cirka halvanden time. Der var ikke meget bevægelse over havet, men man skal nyde de små ting her i begyndelsen af sæsonen. Der var intet usædvanligt hverken på arter eller tal. 
Det bedste var nok 4 Kaspiske Måger på stranden ud af de omkring 300 Sølvmåger som rastede. Heriblandt en rigtig flot 2K Kaspisk Måge, som jeg kunne nyde igennem hele morgenen. Det varmede også en smule da 2 flotte voksne suler kom trækkende syd, men jo ikke noget der ellers tager kegler i birder danmark.  

The ringing:

Not so many birds were singing early in the morning, so I was not totally sure if it would be such a good day for ringing. There was again very little wind and soon it became sunny.

The first round brought just one bird but later it turned out to be the best day for this season, with 14 new birds and four recaptures.

The species, that I caught the most today was the Dunnock “Jernspurv”. Three of the Dunnocks had a lot of feather lies. For some reason, Dunnocks often have these, more than other species. Later in the morning, I met Svend Aage, who came for the garden work today and I talked with him about it. He asked if also other often ground flying birds would have these lies, as the Røbin “Rødhals” or the Wren “Gærdesmutte”. But in my experience, it is really mostly Dunnocks “Jernspurv”, I don´t remember seeing it on Wrens “Gærdesmutte”, but think I had some Robins “Rødhals” with feather lies, but mainly really Dunnocks “Jernspurv”. On the following rounds, I kept wondering a bit, why Dunnocks are particularly vulnerable for feather lies, I did not find a solution. But evenings are still quite long, I might search if there are any articles about that and will update you, if I find something on that.

 Another Chiffchaff “Gransanger” was in the net today. Other highlights were a Greenfinch “Grønirisk” and a Redwing “Vindrossel”. When I went out to take a picture of it, Steffi from the lighthouse and some visitors saw me and I could show them the bird with the beautiful rusty red under the wing.


Greenfinch "Grønirisk".


The visitors took the picture for me. Now I am also on it.

Ringing 08 03png

News of the station:

Many people were at the station today, as some of the trees in the station garden were cut today, so they are lower and on the hight of the nets, so the birds do not just fly over. First Hans Bjerre with his car full of equipment arrived together with Svend Aage, then also Henrik Callesen, Bent and Henrik Böhmer arrived. David did a few hours of migration count but was also soon in the garden to help. As there were so many people, there was also cake, which was nice.


Hans at work.

People: Svend Aage Clausen, Bent Jakobsen, Hans Bjerre, Henrik Callesen, Henrik Böhmer, David Manstrup, Hanelie Sidhu