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Regn og ..ikke så mange fugle

tirsdag 8. oktober 2024
af Louis & Hanelie

Endnu en dag hvor vejrguderne havde regn på menuen, det blev en ret våd morgen med mange spredte byger i løbet af morgenen.. til gengæld kom der næsten ingen fugle… ..lige udover en faktisk ret god portion Suler som kom lidt i bølger, oftest mens regnen var mest intens af en eller anden grund, næsten 200 blev det til, hvilket faktisk er meget godt.

Tog højdepunkter i regnen var 1+1 Almindelig Kjove som kom forbi på fin afstand i revet, og løftede stemningen på hukket betydeligt.

Igen var der lidt gang i Pibeænderne, også tæt på 200, som var meget fint, men vi vil gerne have mange flere, hvis det stod til mig, det er som om de aldrig rigtigt er kommet i gang.


The ringing:

The wind strength was good for ringing today; the maximum was 7.7 meters per second. Before opening, I did not see rain on the radar for the next hours, but on the forecast, it looked like I would need to close between nine and ten. But there was a bit of rain already before, and I was worried, I would need to close even earlier, but it was mostly just a few drops then paused and then began again but just very little. So I walked more often and could keep the nets open until 10.15 then I needed to close to not get into the heavy rain. Not many birds went into the nets within the 3.15 hours, I ringed, the highlight was a Redwing/ Vindrossel, one of my favourite common autumn species in the nets.


Redwing/ Vindrossel



The moths:

Today, there was one more moth than bird species, I had 8 moth species in the traps, and just 7 bird species in the nets. Earlier in the year, it is completely normal to get more moth species than birds, there are way more different moths flying than birds. But it is getting late in the year and many nights were quite windy, which does not make many moth fly. But this night was a good night and I got two new species: Leptologia macilenta/ Mager jordfarveugle and Schrankia  costaestrigalis/ Streng-snudeugle.


Leptologia macilenta/ Mager jordfarveugle



Schrankia costaestrigalis/ Streg-snudeugle


Folk på stationen: Louis, Lorin, Hanelie, David, Jonas