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The EuroBirdwatch day.

lørdag 5. oktober 2024
... brought us many Goldcrests "Fuglekonge" in the ringing and a delayed Little Bunting "Dværgværling" over the station in the NocMig.
af Hanelie & Louis

The ringing:

Today, I was joined in the gardens by Hanna and Janosch from Germany. It was their first time ringing in Denmark. For the EuroBirdwatch Day, Henrik and Bent arrived with a group of interested birdwatchers later in the morning. They had been at the Morning Obs and at the beach before and now came to see the ringing. When we entered the stations garden with the group, the first nets were empty, not so good to show a group. Then Henrik spotted a Sparrowhawk “Spurvehøg”. When I arrived at the next net, I saw, that the Sparrowhawk “Spurvehøg” had been in the garden for a reason: It had predated a Song Thrush “Sangdrossel” in the net. Bad luck, that the group needed to see that. But it is unavoidable, that we, very few times, find dead birds in the nets, because of predation or bad overall condition of the bird. It is less than 0,2% of birds, that die in the ringing. We are keeping track of that happening, dead and injured birds and the reason of it are noted and sent to the ringing admistration at the end of the season. By noting it down, we can also learn from it to avoid possible difficult situations in the future. Luckily, The Sparrowhawk “Spurvehøg” did not come back to the nets and we had some healthy Great Tits “Musvit”, Chiffchaffs “Gransanger” and Goldcrests “Fuglekonge” in the nets in the lighthouse garden, that we could show to our visitors. In total, we had 49 new birds today, about half of them were Goldcrests “Fuglekonge”.


The moths:

Not many, but also some moth in the traps, I was especially happy about Chesias legatella “Stor gyvelmåler”, which has its flight time in September but mainly in October. It was a new species for me.


Chesias legatella "Stor gyvelmåler"

Another nice species of today was Pennithera fermata “Rød fyrremåler”.


Pennithera firmata "Rød fyrremåler"


Our guests Hanna and Janosch explored the area this afternoon and found this egg case of a Thorny skate “Tærpe”/ Amblyraja radiata on the beach and brought it to the station.


Amblyraja radiata "Tærbe"


Endnu en dag med ret svag vind, og ret få fugle..

Men ikke ligefrem kedeligt, og en morgen med godt selskab og højt humør!

Der var lidt gang i Ederfuglene i dag, som jo altid er fedt, 160 stks. blev det til.

Ellers var der blandt de, i dag ellers næsten ikke eksisterende småfugle, 7 Bjergvipstjerter som også altid er fedt, men ellers var det til den langsomme side generelt.

Da det var EuroBirdwatch dag, talte vi idag alle arter vi så på hukket, også selvom de ikke nødvendigvis trak... ..68 forskellige arter blev set på hukket, hvilket er stabilt nok vil jeg mene..

Dagens højdepunkt for, ihvertfald jeg og Lorin var, da vi gennemgik resten af NocMig optagelserne fra d. 02. - 03., hvor vi tidligt om morgenen d. 03. havde en Dværgværling på optagelsen! Første ..men forhåbentlig ikke sidste for sæsonen, i Blåvand.

Skaermbillede_2024-10-05_222318.pngDværgværling på sonogram

At the station: Louis, Lorin, Henrik, David, Bent, Hanelie, Hanna and Janosch.