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Begivenhedsrig dag på hukket

fredag 4. oktober 2024
Fødselsdag, Storpiber, Aprilugle og meget andet..
af Hanelie & Louis


Endnu en morgen med svag vind på hukket, og generelt ikke særlig mange fugle.. men meget smuk ..med mosekone bryg over mosen..

461859589_1248756889585596_4265636062303319601_n.jpgFoto: Louis Poulsen

Men det endte med at blive en helt stabil dag, med få.. men nogle “gode” fugle..

Sortænderne var som sædvanligt mange i starten, der kom fint med Bjergvipstjerter, 15 stks., og ja, ellers ikke så meget..

Men som man lige gik med en begyndende fornemmelse af lidt kedsomhed, kom en Storpiber henover obsen, kaldte 2 gange, og forsvandt lige så hurtigt, uden at vi så den.

Men fedt anyway, og en art som bliver mere og mere fåtallig.

Ved middagstid drog Lorin og jeg en tur ud for at finde noget sjovt inde i byen, og på vejen fik vi også testet Sandkassen's frokost udvalg i takeaway udgave, og indtaget ved Reginevej til lyden af kaldende Hvidbrynet Løvsanger.

Tilbage på stationen var David ankommet, og havde medbragt Hanna and Janosch fra tyskland, som vil være på stationen et par dage.

Lorin var så venlig at bage hele to kager til dessert, da undertegnede havde fødselsdag i dag.. 

The ringing:

Leona and I had an okay amount of birds during the first two rounds this morning, but after, it slowed down quite fast. Bird number one in the nets was the Goldcrest “Fuglekonge”, 13 were caught today, Wren “Gærdesmutte” and Chiffchaff “Gransanger” share the second place. Our favourites of today were two Tree Sparrows “Skovspurv” and another Jay “Skovskade” in the ringing today. I must admit, I love Sparrows in hand. Unfortunately, we didn´t manage to catch a birthday bird for Louis, who is our birthday boy today. But he found it by himself, which is even better!

Skovspurv_res.jpgTree Sparrow "Skovspurv"

Jay_0410.jpgJay "Skovskade"

After closing, Leona left the station, it was very nice to meet her again after two years, in 2022, we had spent a part of the spring season together at Skagen.


The moths:

The low winds in the night brought some more moths than the last night, but still just seven species. It was the first night, I was catching with two traps, mine and the one of the station, now I have one trap in the station's garden and one in the lighthouse garden. I will show Griposia aprilina “Aprilugle”. It does not carry its name because of its flight time, but because its green resembles the fresh green of vegetation in April. I also got Phlogophora meticulosa “Agatugle” a common and pretty, which can be seen the whole year round, in Denmark, most are recorded from June to October, with September as the peak month. The winds will be low again this night, so let’s hope for some more and different species tomorrow!


Apriliana.jpegGriposia aprilina "Aprilugle"

Meticulosa_res.jpgPhlogophora meticulosa "Agatugle"


At the station: Louis, Lorin, David, Hanelie, Leona and our guests Hanna and Janosch