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Variety of Birds

torsdag 3. oktober 2024
af Leona, Hanelie og Louis


Det var endnu en kold morgen på hukket, med temperature ned til 6-7° fra solopgangs tid, og en svag vind fra NNØ.

En morgen som der generelt lignede i går rigtig meget på mange punkter.

Det var igen Grågås der blev den mest talrige art, altså efter Sortand.. med omkring 700 stks.. Ellers kan der nævnes 2 Blå Kærhøge, 1 Fjeldvåge som dog ikke rigtigt trak, men blot var inde over heden, og en flok på over 300 Råger som var ude og vende over hukket over flere omgange.

Igen i nat forsøgte Lorin og jeg os med NocMig, og det var endnu en fin nat, med nye sjove arter, som Sanglærke, Almindelig Ryle, Dobbeltbekkasin, Hjejler, lidt vindrossler, igen var det Sangdroslerne, der tog første pladsen med omkring 200 stks.


Today we started the day as usual opening the nets at the lighthouse and the stationsgarden. When we went out we already heard lots of birds calling around us. The first round brought a good number of birds into our nets. The rest of the coming rounds was bringing us a nice variety of birds. We caught a Redwing (Vindrossel), a Jay (Skovskade)  and a Coal Tit (Sortmejse). 


2k+ Redwing(Vindrosssel), Photo by Leona


1k Jay (Skovskade), Photo by Leona


1k Coal Tit (Sortmejse), Photo by Leona

 The numbers of todays ringing:


In the afternoon Lorin, Louis, Hanelie and I went out. We managed to see lots of Chiffchaffs, Robins and Chaffinches chirping happily in the trees. My highlight was a Yellow-browed warbler that we found jumping around in a bush. Sadly 2 of our ringers Hannah and Michael had to leave us today and drove back home. We really enjoyed your company and we hope that many more birds will fly your way! :)

WhatsApp_Billede_2024-10-03_kl._19.58.59_7409a180.jpgLorin og jeg var pludselig kommet lidt langt ud af grønningen og cyklede tilbage langs stranden.. / Foto: Louis Poulsen

The moths:

This night, I got two species in the trap, Ancheoscelis helvola/ Rød høstugle and Erannis defolaria/ Stor frostmåler. I had hoped for more, as the wind had dropped. E. defolaria was new for me though. As the danish name says, Stor frostmøler says, this species is announcing the could season. Indeed, this moth flies just late in the year, in October and November. Today, Bent showed me a trap, the station had in the lab. Now I have one more aditionally to mine and hope, there are a bit more moths fying and coming to my traps the next nights.


Erannis defolaria/ Stor frostmåler

Folk på stationen: Hannah, Michael, Louis, Lorin, Hanelie, Leona