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Persistence Pays Off

tirsdag 28. maj 2024
af Lucas Corneliussen

This morning was painful - it had been forecasted to rain for the past several days and we have been dreading it, but today was the day it finally came. A few of us woke up early to confirm it was actually raining, and unsurprisingly it was just as predicted. Over the next few hours we watched the weather and it continued to rain with force. Fortunately, by midday it began to clear and we opened the nets.

The nets were alright during the midday and produced a few new captures including 3 Icterine Warblers, a Linnet and a Blackcap. The nets further produced another nice bird: a Dunnock, which was ringed in Germany. We have already captured it this spring, but this time it showed a brood patch which confirmed it is nesting in the area. We totaled the day with 8 recaptures and 5 new birds.


The main highlights of the day came from those not staying at the station: Rune and Anders. In the morning hours during the rain, Rune found a singing Bluethroat around the Mosen. Later in the day, Anders got a quick look at a European Turtle-Dove behind the station which we were unfortunately unable to refind.