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Sunny day with new arrivals

tirsdag 26. marts 2024
af Maxim Lisi

With Morten returning to the station later in the afternoon, Bent and I walked the rounds today and Jimmy managed the observations by himself. The day started with cloudy skies, soft southeast winds and a temperature somewhere around 2 degrees. Slowly the sky cleared up and with the sun shining bright in the afternoon the temperature got up to around 10 degrees. The birds around the gardens were not waiting all morning for the sun to appear and after closing the nets around 11 o'clock there was a decent count of 24 ringed birds and 11 recaptures. With a nice variety of 13 species in total and a first for the season with the arrival of a male and female Siskin (Green Siskin) who were caught in the net together.



One of the recaptures was a yellowhammer who was ringed in the summer of 2019! And once again we were surprised with a wood pigeon in one of the nets in the lighthouse garden. Bent and I managed to ring it together.


Tonight, Bianca a new volunteer arrives at the station who will start helping with ringing the upcoming week. The weather forecast for the coming week shows a lot of rainy days. Let's wait and see how accurate this will be, but there might be some days where we might not be able to do all that we want.

ring data_26.03.png