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Still in the strong winds

onsdag 17. maj 2023
af Amelie Sophie Zeller

As predicted, the weather today was still similar to yesterday, so we could not open the nets in the morning. Morten was nevertheless early awake and observed the migration in the morning for some time. However, there was not much going on there.


Here is a photo of two migrating Gannets (Sule), one of them still immature.

Since the warm water did not work since yesterday, Morten also took care of it and therefore went to town early in the morning in a very strong wind. We were then really happy when he had fixed it, so that Rose and I did not have to take an ice cold shower!

After another nice breakfast together, Rose and I took care of the map we want to use to plot the nests for the birds inside the fence for the Little Terns (Dwærgterne). At noon I went to the fence as we were a little concerned about the strong winds. I fixed a few signs that had fallen over. The fence is still standing, however, in two places there were larger mounds of sand collecting, which is a problem for the power line. Good news, however, is that several new nests of Little Terns (Dwærgterne) have formed, so I could spot a total of 7 breeding individuals. I also found a new Little Ringed Plover (Stor Præsterkrave) nest. Remarkable were also two huge flocks of Sanderlings (Sandløber), which are currently on the beach and will probably move on in the next week or two.

As the wind slowly started to drop a little bit, Morten opened three nets in the Stationshaven. He only caught one recapture of a Willow Warbler (Løvsanger) that he took blood samples of a few days ago. Tomorrow we will have normal ringing action again, but as Morten will be on a getaway with friends for 2 days, Henrik will do the ringing with me until Friday. Rose left us this afternoon, because she will be in Copenhagen for a few days, but we are happy to see her again on Sunday!

Fiolk på stationen: Rose, Morten og Amelie