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A very warm day with many birds

tirsdag 28. juni 2022
af Menno den Uijl

After a day of no ringing, it was possible to ring again. You can really see that summer is coming to an end with a high percentage of juvenile birds. It was quite a good day again with over 15 birds. Another crossbill made an appearance, and has to be the bird of the day. 0ojjjkUnfortunately, the military decided to practice more often now. This makes the checking of the tern colony a bit harder. Today Bent came again and checked some gulls on the beach. The numbers are really impressive with 1800 black headed gulls and 200 lesser black backed gulls. It will be time to find a Mediterranean gull or something more rare!


Dunnock 4/0

Blackbird 1/0

Song thrush 1/0

Lesser whitethroat 1/1

Common whitethroat 1/0

Chiffchaff 1/0

Willow warbler 1/0

Goldcrest 1/0

Great tit 4/0

Short toed treecreeper 1/0

Tree sparrow 2/2

Chaffinch 1/0

Linnet 1/0

Redpoll 3/0

Bullfinch 1/0

Total 24/3




Crossbill - Photo by Menno