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A special way to catch a bird

lørdag 25. juni 2022
af Menno den Uijl

25th of June

Today I came across two birders from Norway. The had seen a satellite tagged Ring ouzel. Besides the tag, it is a really interesting that it was an adult summer plumage male. On cr birdring I looked for a project, but could not find a match. Hopefully we will get a respons from another project if they know which project it is.

In the afternoon a woman from the vacation house area came named Hanne and said that there was a swallow in her vacation house. We drove there with our bikes and when we arrived we got it in almost 5 minutes. I brought some ringing equipment, so I ringed it. It was in the house since the mourning, but the bird was still in good condition. After the release done by Hanne, it flew off. Hopefully it will be recovered somewhere else in the world.


(Barn swallow 1/0)

 Stonechat 1/0

Blackbird 1/0

Song thrush 1/0

Lesser whitethroat 0/3

Chiffchaff 4/0

Willow tit 1/0

Blue tit 1/0

Great tit 1/0

Tree sparrow 0/1

Chaffinch 1/0

Greenfinch 0/1

Lesser redpoll 1/2

Totals 17/3