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Summer in Blåvand

torsdag 23. juni 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today was a day without any wind, during my stay at Blåvand this happened very rarely. The weather started a bit cloudy, but it cleared out very nicely. Yesterday a short toed eagle has been found by a photographer who made a photo of it and put it out in the Danish facebook group. Unfortunately, he did not put out the location directly. Because of the lack of wind, a big group of common scoters was visible, unfortunately there were just to far to see if there is a black scoter among them. The ringing was better than the last days. Hopefully the coming days there will be more fledge to ring them. A highlight was a recapture of a male yellowhammer ringed as a 2k+ back in 2017, so it is a minimal of 9 years old.


White wagtail 1/0

Dunnock 1/0

Stonechat 1/0

Song thrush 2/0

Lesser whitethroat 2/0

Common whitethroat 2/1

Chiffchaff 1/1

Coal tit 1/0

Great tit 1/0

Tree sparrow 1/0

Siskin 1/0

Lesser redpoll 1/0

Yellowhammer 0/1

Totals 15/3

People at the station: Bjørn, Bent and Menno