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Another ordinary day at Blåvand

tirsdag 14. juni 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today was a very ordinairy day at Blåvand. The ringing was not very spectacular, but some new plumages of the birds was very nice to see. Two sisken were a bit challenging to age, but after some closer looks it became clear what age it was. The challenging part of this bird was that it already had moulted all the wing feathers, but not the tail. This made me doubt a bit, but after I checked the lesser coverts it became obvious which age it was.

Bent came over today and did his round again. Unfortunately, he did not find another Moltoni’s warbler or another new bird for Denmark. During his coffee, he had a possible Serin flying over.

Ringing totals:

White wagtail 1/0

Blackbird 1/0

Common whitethroat 1/0

Chiffchaff 1/1

Crested tit 0/3

Tree sparrow 1/1

Chaffinch 0/1

Siskin 2/0

Linnet 2/0

Lesser redpoll 3/1

People at the station: Bent and Menno