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Quick trip!

fredag 29. april 2022
af Agata Balicka

Day started better than the day before and first and second round brought us 3 birds (Redpolls and a Robin). During the day we did not catch many birds but we had opportunity to ring a Redwing. It was only 7th one this year. Weather was pretty good in the morning, but after 10 a.m. wind became stronger, what made us close nets just after 1 p.m.
Mikkel however observed more birds than yesterday. He saw almost 4 hundred Red-throated Divers and 2 Ring Ouzels near the camping.
Today we went on a trip to the Fanø lake in order to see Spoonbills and Bluethroats. Unfortunately, we did not see them, but still think this excursion was very pleasant. We saw big flocks of Barnacle Geese and Black-headed Gulls, and some other nice species, like a Common Sandpiper, Wood Sandpipers, Shelducks and many Great Crested Grebes. When we were getting done with this little birdwatching, weather changed and looked really great from then, so we decided to go to some other place to look for our ‘’target species’’. We spent some time near the Tanesø lake, but instead of finding bluethroats we climbed on a little hill and took a short nap on grass. So the rarest species that we saw today in the afternoon were probably black geese that we chased in our dreams.


Ringing (new/recapture)

Robin / Rødhals: 1 / 0

Redwing / Vindrossel: 1 / 0

Blackcap / Munk: 2 / 0

Chiffchaff  / Gransanger: 1 / 1

Lesser Redpoll / Stor Gråsisken: 1 / 1

Total: 6 / 2

Dofbasen link : https://dofbasen.dk/search/result.php?design=table&soeg=soeg&periode=dato&dato=29-04-2022&omraade=stor&stor=607&obstype=observationer&species=alle&sortering=dato
People at the station; Maciej, Agata, Bello, Bent, Leona and Menno