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Nice day, few birds

onsdag 27. april 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today was another slow day migration wise. Not everyday here can be full of birds, unfortunately. The migration over sea was even so slow that Mikkel was to bored to continue the count. Because of the low amount of birds in the nets, I decided to recontinue the seawatch from the ringing lab. In between the ringing I saw quite some migration of divers and scoters, so I decided to give Mikkel a call that it was not that boring actually. Shortly after the call, Mikkel joined me. During that time, there was some high migration of divers. Besides the divers and terns, we also saw some little terns, gannets and little gulls.

Although there were not that many birds to ring, we caught another new wryneck. This brings the total to 9 and we are only one short of the record of 10. We think it should be possible to catch some more, resulting in a new record number for this species.

For dinner we made a nice bonfire to grill some sausages and patotoes.

Dof link : https://dofbasen.dk/search/result.php?design=table&soeg=soeg&periode=dato&dato=27-04-2022&omraade=stor&stor=607&obstype=observationer&species=alle&sortering=dato

People at the station: Maciej, Agata, Bello, Bent, Leona and Menno

Ringing (new/recapture)

Wryneck (1/1)

Wren (1/0)

Dunnock (1/1)

Robin (0/6)

Black redstart (1/0)

Lesser whitethroat (1/0)

 Blackcap (5/0)

Chiffchaff (2/0)

Willow warbler (6/1)

Chaffinch (1/0)

Lesser redpoll (1/0)

20 new birds over 10 species