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A fun day

lørdag 23. april 2022
af Mikkel Bello

Hello, its been a long time since I wrote the blog!
This morning Menno joined me on the sea-watch, and even though the migration still seemed not appearing at at all, we could enjoy an arctic skua at least and a Merlin just before the observation finished. Menno and I have a little competition going about who saw the most spices, and because I do the counting, I got a few spices on him. But with the Merlin (dværgfalk)  he just got a bit closer!  After the watch we decided to treat ourselves with some eggs and bacon and leftover sausages from the grill last evening.

At midday most of us were sleeping or resting, so when Signe was leaving Menno and I were the only one awake. Afterwards we went ringing and we caught the first Reed Bunting(Rørspurv) of the year! And I ringed my first bird, a Dunnock(Jernspurv).

Photo by Bjarne Manstrup. Reed Bunting (rørspurv)

In the evening we spend time playing card games and learning to count in several languages: Polish, Danish, Swedish, Russian, Chinese, German, English and Finnish.  Also, Merit made some very nice cookies for us!
After dinner we tried to guess bird songs and calls that we played for each other very fun. 

So I lost a bit track of time and it got pretty late before the last one of us came to bed, and I choose to postpone the blog writing for Saturday!

Dofbasen observations, here

People at the station; Agata, Leona, Merit, Signe, Menno, Mikkel, Maciej, Bent.