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Another day with NW wind

mandag 28. marts 2022
af Menno den Uijl, Mikkel Bello

Today we caught the same bird 4 times. It was ringed on the 24th and we saw it graditly add some weight. The last time today, it was in the stationshaven while the other three times it was caught at the lighthouse. So it is slowly migrating again.

After the new species for the season yesterday, we managed to have another new species for the season today. We caught a female stonechat (sortstrubet bynkefugl). Apart from that, it was another slow day at the station with only 5 new birds. But the coming days we can get a 100 dunnock (only one more needed) and a 100 redpolls (only two more needed) this season.

Sortstrubet Bynkefugl. Foto - Menno

På morgenobservationen satte jeg mig på sydhukket i læ af turistbunkeren da trækket er mest nordgående nu. Dog stadig få arter men jeg har fornøjelsen af lidt måge og sortand træk. Stormmåge 269, Sildemåge 32(en med en blå ring som jeg aflæste), svartbag 28, sortand 1111 og så var der pænt med nordgående Suler 23 og 3 sydgående. '

Morten lavede lasagne til aftensmad, det var rigtig godt, og så glæder vi os til at vinden skifter så vi kan få nogle flere fugle i nettene!

Dagens obs: 


Ringmærkningsliste, nye / genfangst 


Folk på stationen; Bello, Bent, Menno, Morten