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The first real rarity of the season

torsdag 24. marts 2022
Hopefully some more will follow!
af Menno den Uijl

Today was a promising day after the enormous ringing day yesterday. It was quite nice, but now most of the birds were in the lighthouse garden. During the second round Bello called me that he and Henrik could have seen an Black scoter. With the high amounts of common scoters at sea around Blåvand, I suspected that this species could turn op every moment. Unfortunately, Henrik did not manage to take a picture. When he stood on the beach, with the birds in the scope the group with the Black scoter flew up. Bello saw it then again flying south and managed to relocate it. Because of the fog, the pictures are not clear, but it looks promising. Hopefully it comes around another time close by so the determination can be clinched. Bello also saw a whatear, his first of the year. In one of the last rounds, we came across a black redstart in the nets. It was not an adult male, but it nevertheless was very nice to see this species in the hand.


Black redstart – Photo by Menno

In the evening we had another try for the black scoter Bello found earlier today. We managed to see the more extensive yellow knob on the bill and we noticed that the headshape was quite different from the common scoter. For Bello this was his first found of black scoter, for me it was the second one within half a year. I saw the first dutch twitchable record back in October.


Bello looking for the black scoter - Photo by Menno

Tonight we will be joined Morten and Sven, who will help with the standardized methods.

Ringing list (new/recapture):

Dunnock (9/3)

Robin (8/0)

Black Redstart (1/0)

Blackbird (6/0)

Song thrush (1/0)

Chiffchaff (5/0)

Goldcrest (3/4)

Tree sparrow (2/0)

Chaffinch (3/1)

Brambling (2/0)

Redpoll (7/2)

47 new birds over 11 species.

DOF list:


People at the station: Bello, Bent, Henrik, Morten, Sven and Menno