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Wren Day

søndag 17. oktober 2021
Another good ringing day today and many birds sighted in the field.
af Hanelie Sidhu
Good evening everyone!
The fact that it was finally not too windy again today to open just a few nets made all of us ringers happy. We were able to open all the nets in the station garden and the lighthouse garden again today. Unfortunately, it was the last day for Daniel. And the first day on which we were able to ring normally during the standard time. Yes, he had had a bad week for ringing. Amanda and Merit also came to ring today. So we were by far enough ringers that Jonas could confidently go birding with Sebastian and some friends who are in Blåvand for the DOF-UNG trip.
Most of the birds ringed today were Goldcrests and Wrens. But also a Garden Warbler this late in October. Most of all Daniel, Luke and I were pleased to see a Common Redpoll and a recaptured Crested Tit, two new species in my hand. 
Crested Tit
In the morning Bent came to the bird station with his family including his little granddaughter. I think the highlight of the day for his granddaughter was a Goldcrest, which she also got to touch. She is still a very small birder, but soon to be a big one, and you can already see how happy she is about the bird. 
After Daniel had treated Luke and me to his cooking skills for the last time this autumn season and cooked a good lunch for the three of us, it was time for him to load the car and pack. In the afternoon, Daniel unfortunately left us again today to drive back to Kopenhagen.
Luke and I replaced one of the nets in the station garden afterwards. More or less with success. We'll probably have to do some more work tomorrow, but we didn't want to do that in this rain, which started while we were replacing the net.
Andreas and David took over the observing today. They saw a lot of finches and siskins. Also a Lapland Bunting and Woodlarks.
As in the nets, the most common species Sebastian and Jonas saw while birding was the Wren. There were a few Yellow-browed Warblers seen in Blavand today. Jonas and Sebastian also spotted one. This gives me hope that there might be another one in the net tomorrow, especially since I unfortunately missed the last one.
But back to Jonas and Sebastian's birding tour today: They were able to report on a Red-backed Shrike, a Ring Ouzel, a Horned Lark and a Lesser Whitethroat, possibly even the subspecies Halimodendri. The two were birding all day, partly on foot and also by bike. Partly it rained, and they returned to the Bird Station in the evening, wet and tired. And with great confidence. "Tomorrow is the day!" Sebastian predicted. We often hear this prediction from him, but he was often right. And Andreas also promised us some good species for all of us at dinner, my special one-pot pasta with salad, while birding, observing and ringing. We are happy to believe them, so we are looking forward to a really good day tomorrow. It will be! See you then!

People at the bird station: Bent Jakobsen, Sebastian Thorup Hansen, Luke Nelson, Jonas Pedersen, Hanelie Sidhu, Andreas Pedersen, Merit Lenk, Stefan Andersen, David Manstrup, Henrik Læssøe and Amanda Johannison.