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A quieter day - but still with nice bird encounters: a Siskin and 11 Grey Wagtails

mandag 27. september 2021
Still the most Robins in the nets and a sparkling clean ringing lab
af Hanelie Sidhu

After yesterday´s turbulent day, things were quiet again today at the Blåvand Bird Station. Not to be compared with yesterday, we had a lot of time between the ringing rounds. But we used it well, Jonas and I thoroughly cleaned the ringing lab today. The last bird we had in a net was still a reason to joy: Jonas, Sebastian and I all admired the male Siskin. Why don´t you do the same, below is a photo. 


IMG-20210927-WA0003.jpgAnd a male Blackcap and a recaptured Coal Tit

Todays ringed birds

Robin 7

Dunnock 1

Pied Flycatcher 1

Siskin 1

Blackcap 3

Common Chaffinch 1

Song Thrush 2

Coal Tit (Recapture) 1

Blackbird (Recapture) 1

Total 18


Earlier, while observing, Sebastian had a nice migration. There wasn´t much going on at the beginnig, but quite a few species, which he enjoyed. The highlights of todays observation were 11 Grey Wagtails.

Dagens observationer

There is not so much to report from the afternoon. There was not much going on during our respective explorations. But Jonas spotted a Willow Tit.

As I write this blog, Jonas and Sebastian are in the kitchen. Dinner will be ready soon, so that´s it for today, see you tomorrow!

Folk på stationen: Jonas Pedersen, Sebastian Thorup Hansen og Hanelie Sidhu