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søndag 25. oktober 2020
Lidt ringmærkning om eftermiddagen
af Michael Brunhøj Hansen, Daniel Bloche

Vejr: først overskyet med regn og temmelig blæsende fra omkring syd og sydvest; senere opholdsvejr og aftagende vind. Temp. omkring 12 grader.

Det var noget blæsende om morgenen. Det regnede ikke da jeg vågnede, men omkring kl. 7 stod det ned, og dét kom det til at gøre nærmest uafbrudt frem til sidst på formiddagen hvorefter der kom tidvise byger.

Morgenobsen blev altså ikke til noget, og heller ikke ringmærkningen i første omgang. Midt på eftermiddagen, hvor vinden var aftaget betydeligt, blev der dog åbnet nogle net, og 3 solsorte kunne  hver få en ring og en "rygsæk" på.

Der er ellers ikke foretaget noget nævneværdigt udover at vi har lavet indendørsaktiviteter og har kunnet sove lidt længere.

Det skulle også blive blæsende i morgen, fortsat fra omkring syd og sydvest, men der skulle kun komme enkelte byger; vi får se om det holder!

Folk: Daniel, Luke, Michael.

This morning started stormy and rainy, so there was no ringing possible for us. However, while Luke and I were preparing lunch in the kitchen we suddenly discovered five Blackbirds (Solsort) feeding in the yard. After a few minutes watching them we decided that its not acceptable that these birds use the stations garden while we don´t have the nets open. Moreover, the weather conditions also allowed to open the nets. So, I sneaked around the corner and tried to open the nets quietly, while Luke was flushing the Blackbirds from the yard into the garden. At this time at least 8 birds have been in the garden and luckily, we managed to flush one of them into the net. We expected a stormy day without ringing and now we still managed to catch another Blackbird to put a tag on. In the afternoon, the wind calmed down and the predicted rain didn´t came. Therefore, we were able to open the nets in the stations garden again, this time longer than for a few minutes. We got two more Blackbirds, on which we put more ICARUS tags. An unexpectedly successful day!

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Picture: Beautiful and completely black young, male Blackbird with ICARUS tag on (Photo: Luke)

Besides the Blackbirds we caught again many recaptures of ringed Goldcrests (Fuglekonge). At the moment we are catching many recaptures ringed a few days ago. Because of that, I wasn´t too excited when the Wren (Gærdesmutte) I just took of pictures of while it was feeding on the rose bushes flew into the net. It got more interesting when I couldn´t recognize the ring number. After entering the Wren we learned that it was ringed as a young bird in summer 2016, so it´s now during its 5th year of life. Looking through some migration Atlases we saw that the maximal ages of Wren are between 3 years 9 month and 7 years. Thus, a 5K Wren is an exciting catch. Looking up the resigtings of the bird, we could see that it was seen here in Blåvand throughout many summers and winters of the past years.

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Picture: 5K Wren feeding in the garden (Photo: Daniel)

Species Ringed Recaptures
Wren (Gærdesmutte) 0 2
Robin (Rødhals) 0 1
Blackbird (Solsort) 3 0
Blackcap (Munk) 1 1
Goldcrest (Fuglekonge) 2 3
Bullfinch (Dompap) 0 1
Total 6 8